Why You Should NOT Try to Save Money in a Down Economy

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The newspaper headlines tell the story of the global economic crisis we face; stock market drops, bank closures, government rescue plans and organized efforts by the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia to control the declining global economy, all with little effect on our personal financial challenges. Home values are down, Wall Street has lost five years of value in one week, retirement plans are wiped out, and unemployment is rising. Can you do anything to change your financial situation?

Yes you can. And interestingly, it doesn’t involve cutting back, saving money or trying to live more frugally. The first step is unbelievably simple, and to most folks, it’s counter intuitive.

Don’t Waste Time Trying to Save Money, Spend Money to Save Time

This is opposite of what we grow up believing and it’s opposite of all that most people consider truth. That’s why most people continue trying to save money and why they will never have much of it.

When I was 25 years old, all I did was come up with $15 to $25 dollars a month to pay a lawn service.  That’s all it took to make the difference in my life.

Find whatever money you can scrape up whether it be $5, $10, or $15 and pay for anything you can to save a tiny amount of your time. Stop your cable service if you have to for a month and use the money to pay a lawn service to mow your lawn, or hire a house cleaning service to clean your home, so you save an hour or two a week.

I took the time I saved not mowing the lawn to work some extra hours at my job. That more than paid for the mowing service and still allowed me some time to work on my wealth plan. From there, it was a domino affect.

Back then I drove a 24-year old car that broke down every week. I was fixing it myself because I didn’t have much money. But now, I took some of the extra money from working overtime, and paid someone to fix the car. Now I had even more time to work on my wealth plan.

Every week and every month I worked on it.  Two years later I became owner of a multi-million dollar business, making a lot of money. I used all that money to pay a bunch more people to do things for me to save me even more money.  I began spending money anyway I could in order to save time.  And I invested all that extra time into my wealth-building plan.

So, what are the rest of the steps for you to create wealth? I studied hundreds of multi millionaires and discovered a formula for how to create wealth. Fortunately, you can make millions of dollars with anything you love to do when you share it with others in a way that brings value to hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people, and they pay you millions for that value.

If you love horses, you can bring value to those who want to learn to ride, if you love singing you can make CDs and share your voice to those who would pay to hear you sing, if you love fishing you can bring value to others by starting a company that takes company executives on three day fishing trips for a handsome fee, if you love real estate you can bring value by renting or selling buildings for people to live or work in, and the list goes on.

Find out the details of how to think about money, opportunity and how to focus your mind to create the plans you need that will make your dreams of being wealthy come true.  By following my formula, anyone can become a millionaire in 36 months. And you will never need to worry about the economy again.

More information, articles and free downloads on Paul McCormick’s 7-Step Formula for Becoming a Millionaire are available at www.FormulaForMillionaires.com
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