Build Muscle - Lifting
Learn the proper ways to build muscle by lifting weights.
If you want to build muscle, there are two important factors: A good workout routine and a good nutrition plan.
Many people believe they can go to the gym once in a while, and gain a lot of muscle.
I'm sorry to say this but, unless you have perfect genetics going to the gym once in a while will not help you much.
You can build muscle lifting quite rapidly if you know what you are doing.
First you have to find out what type of body type you have.
Ectomorph, Endomorph, or Mesomorph.
If you are an endomorph, then you are a person who gains muscle and fat quite easily.
You will have to stick to a routine that combines lifting heavy weights with good cardio to burn the fat.
You will have to follow a pretty strict diet because if you are not careful, you will put on a lot of fat.
Ectomorphs are people who can't seem to gain weight regardless.
They eat a lot but, due to their fast metabolism they burn it all.
A person with this body type will have to eat a lot of food to gain muscle.
They will also have to lift heavy weights, cardio is not a priority in their workout program.
A Mesomorph is a person who has an ideal body.
They have a muscular frame that doesn't seem to contain any fat.
An individual such as this can pretty much eat whatever and still stay lean.
Mesomorphs can build muscle lifting quite fast with a good routine.
Learn what body type you are, and build your workout program, and diet around it.
Good luck, and have fun while lifting.
If you want to build muscle, there are two important factors: A good workout routine and a good nutrition plan.
Many people believe they can go to the gym once in a while, and gain a lot of muscle.
I'm sorry to say this but, unless you have perfect genetics going to the gym once in a while will not help you much.
You can build muscle lifting quite rapidly if you know what you are doing.
First you have to find out what type of body type you have.
Ectomorph, Endomorph, or Mesomorph.
If you are an endomorph, then you are a person who gains muscle and fat quite easily.
You will have to stick to a routine that combines lifting heavy weights with good cardio to burn the fat.
You will have to follow a pretty strict diet because if you are not careful, you will put on a lot of fat.
Ectomorphs are people who can't seem to gain weight regardless.
They eat a lot but, due to their fast metabolism they burn it all.
A person with this body type will have to eat a lot of food to gain muscle.
They will also have to lift heavy weights, cardio is not a priority in their workout program.
A Mesomorph is a person who has an ideal body.
They have a muscular frame that doesn't seem to contain any fat.
An individual such as this can pretty much eat whatever and still stay lean.
Mesomorphs can build muscle lifting quite fast with a good routine.
Learn what body type you are, and build your workout program, and diet around it.
Good luck, and have fun while lifting.