How to Dig a Trench for an Invisible Fence
- 1). Plan the layout of the invisible fence wire. This helps you determine where to dig the trench as well as ensure you have enough wire to complete the job.
- 2). Dig a trench with a spade shovel, if the yard is less than 1/2 acre. Insert the shovel into the ground and press it into the soil at least 3 inches with your foot. Tilt the shovel handle forward to separate the sod. Continue this digging process throughout the yard along the fence layout.
- 3). Rent a power edger from a home improvement center if you are digging a trench for property over 1/2 acre. Ask the rental representative to show you how to use the edger properly.
- 4). Set the depth of edger no more than 6-inches and walk behind the edger slowly, allowing the edger to dig through the soil.
- 5). Insert your invisible fence wire into the trench. Cover the wire with the soil using the shovel.