Digital Photographer: How to Store your Photos for Future Use
The reason I write about storage is that my library of photos is building up at a steady pace.
Here is my advise for the newbie photographer.
Have enough memory cards with you, whether your shooting a wedding on going on a look travel out of town, you'll never know when you will get time to download your photos.
For those that can afford a portable storage, it might come in handy for tight situations.
I personally use my IPOD photo as a emergency storage back up device using the photo upload adaptor, it is very slow but better than not having option at all.
Laptop with big storage capacity to store and even burn your photos to CDs or DVDs.
Having a laptop completes your portable studio setup.
When your laptop fills up, it is also good to have an external storage device like a USB 2.
0 External drive or a Firewire drive to dump your photos in and making sure they are safe in case your computer meets a nasty virus, a bad fall or worse gets stolen.
Have a CD or DVD Burner to save your photos for future use.
Make sure that the CDs or DVDs that you buy are of high grade quality and will last a good number of years before they fail on you.
Dont forget to research which disks are better for your brand of burner.
You will have a choice of using + (plus) or - (minus) CD or DVD.
Make sure your CDs, DVDs, External Storage devices are kept safe from moisture and other elements that can cause them to deteriorate.
Never use ordinary permanent markers to label your CDs and DVDs, make sure that they are CD and DVD friendly so as to avoid the peeling of the CD or DVD protective coating.
Make sure you keep them in sturdy dust free cases so that they will last you for a longtime.
Keep your system organized and labeled well for future use.
Don't forget to Label each CD or DVD that is stored, finding what you are looking for will be harder if you are searching in a stack of 100s or maybe even 1,000s of CDs and DVDs.
Catalogue your CDs so archiving and retrieving will be a snap.
Make sure that when you need to look for a specific CD, you hand are clean and free from any harmful chemicals that can give your CD a fight for its life.
Oily smudgy hands can wreck a CD in the long run.