Taming the Ferocious and Rebellious Teenager
![Image by sodahead.com](http://images.sodahead.com/polls/000748545/polls_rebellious_teens_4338_190543_poll_xlarge.jpeg)
At times no matter how much we think that we successfully fulfilled our responsibilities upon them, they still end up rebelling. We've been there before; we should understand what they are going through, besides we weren't the perfect children when we were younger too right?
First, you need to determine first what could be the possible reason why your teenager is acting the way he does. At this point he undergoes a myriad of changes starting from the physical transformation of his body which is also known as the puberty stage. This is the stage of transition from being a child into a full blown adult, and definitely, it wouldn't be a smooth ride. Also at this stage, they will start to demand for more pricey objects, they won't be asking for chocolates and lollipops anymore. Most probably, they will be asking for the latest gadgets, smartphones, and other high-tech mobile accessories that would go well with their new toys.
The truth is, your little fragile angel is in the process of finding and identifying his true identity. They are on the verge of entering the cruel world of adulthood, and one of the first things they need to have is a very own and unique identity that could make them stand out among the rest. They use this stage to try out different identities until they arrive on the one that they feel most comfortable with.
It is important that you have an open communication with your child. The one thing that teenagers hate the most is nagging. So when your child came home late, don't start by raising your voice and scolding him for that reason. I'm sure there is a perfect logical reason why he came late, you need to give him the chance to explain.
Always let your child know that you love him. These stubborn teenagers need to feel your loving affection all the time. Make him understand that any form of discipline that you implement is nothing but for his own good. At first, they will be annoyed or irritated, but in the long run, they will realize it too. Show them that you support them in their undertakings, may it be in sports, art, or music. When they feel that they have the support they need from you, they will slowly open up and more vocal with their feelings and emotions.