Green Building And Eco-sustainability
What is Green Building?
A green building is a structure built using environment friendly materials in the designing, construction, operation and renovation process. It can be made using recycled and bio-degradable materials. Its considered to be one of the best ways to adapt a sustainable living pattern. The common objective is to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health by:
Efficient use of water and energy
Reduction in pollution and wastage
Causing minimum damage to the ecosystem
A green building emphasizes on the advantage of renewable resources such as solar energy and makes use of plants through the green roofs, gardens and avoids rainwater run-off. They are built using completely non toxic materials which are environment friendly. You can go a step further and enhance the green building with the use of:
Green Furniture
Green flooring
Green roofs
Green paints
Ecological Sustainability
Ecological Sustainability refers to the capacity of the biosphere to meet the needs of the present generation. It means the present activity which is going on needs to continue that way for a long time. This can only happen if the activity does not use up or completely destroy the resources. The concept of ecological sustainability is gaining a lot of popularity these days. People are becoming more and more aware of the importance of conserving our natural resources. You do not need to put in a lot of efforts trying to maintain ecological sustainability.
It does not need one to make drastic changes to their lifestyle. Adapting to ecological sustainability could also save you a lot of money. As you make these changes to your lifestyle, you will gradually notice a dip in your monthly expenses also.
Lets look at the tips below that can help us maintain ecological sustainability.
Turn off the lights, television set, and desktops whenever not needed. Use energy wisely.
Try green roofing the house if possible as it helps in maintaining environmental balance.
Try car pooling with your friends at least whenever possible. Cutting back on your car usage can reduce the smoke emissions that pass on into the climate and saves the money you send in petrol.
Avoid wastage of water in your house. If too much water is being used to irrelevant chores or the taps are left open, you will incur higher bills.
Avoid the use of plastic as it causes harm the environment.
Adopting a sustainable lifestyle is a way to contribute to our environment which will give our future generations, a chance to enjoy our natural resources. If well make a few lifestyle changes, it is guaranteed to bring a change.