Residential PV Systems for Lumberton
To understand how a home PV system works, we must first realize that there are several different types of photovoltaic systems to choose from. Here are just a few of the most popular residential PV systems in Lumberton, NC:
Solar Panels: These are the flat, metallic panels that you've probably seen attached to the roof of someone's home. These absorb the sun's rays to generate heat energy, which is then converted to electrical energy which is stored in a grid. The grid is wired into the person's home, where they can utilize this green energy in the same way that they would any other way: through outlets and sockets in their walls!
Solar Water Heaters: These devices are aptly named because they do exactly what you'd think they do: heat water! The sun heats metallic tubes that are filled with water. This water is then circulated through a person's home, where they can use it instead of a hot water heater. Many people also use these devices to heat their pools and other outdoor water sources.
Solar Grids or Solar Arrays: These are simply larger versions of the traditional solar panels we all think about. Under this concept, a grid of solar panels is positioned in such a way that more energy is taken in to be stored on a massive level. More businesses have these types of PV systems installed, but homes that operate on nothing but solar energy might invest in them as well.
These three main systems are what we most commonly think of when we picture residential PV systems in Lumberton, NC. Truth be told, these systems are all so popular because of their accessibility and increasing affordability. Not only is the price on home PV systems dropping over time, but you can also apply for a number of state and government tax credits that help pay for your home to be outfitted with green energy systems.
Keep one of these options in mind if you're thinking about making the leap to sustainable energy in North Carolina. Contact a licensed solar expert near you to inquire about costs and logistics when installing a PV system in your home.