The Dangers of Human Growth Hormones - Who Are the Real Culprits?
Another use for these hormones was to help individuals grow.
Nowadays, human growth hormones are used cosmetically in order to fight aging.
They are also used amongst athletes in order to perform better.
However, what a lot of us do not realize is that there are many dangers associated with human growth hormones.
Yes, many medicines on the market today contain potentially dangerous side effects, and sometimes it means having to weigh the pros with the cons.
However, these types of choices are generally more serious, such as the situation where a particular disorder could seriously affect the health of an individual.
What most people do not realize is that hormones control every function in the body.
In other words, our sleep cycle, hunger response, body temperature, and any other function you can think of is controlled by hormones.
This is important to realize because in order for our body to function correctly, there has to be a proper balance within these hormones.
Without this balance, hormones can affect your body in a dangerous way.
Playing around with hormones can also have a negative impact on your body.
One example might be bodybuilders who overdo it with steroids.
Steroids are known to increase testosterone in the body.
Therefore, in order to try to bring the body back to its natural balance, the testicles will try to shut down the increasing amounts of testosterone, which in turn causes the testicles to shrink.
We have to ask ourselves why it is that we are willing to play around with dangerous scenarios such as this simply because we are looking to improve our looks.
If you think about it, we exercise in order to have a healthy body and to look great.
So why would we go and destroy all of that by overusing steroids simply to improve the way we look? What is scary is that nearly every person knows the dangers of steroids, and yet are still willing to take them.
When you think about it, it is situations like this that really get you to think about how seriously we take ourselves when we try to fight against important issues such as toxins, chronic diseases, and any other type of health related risk.
There are a large number of people that drink abundant amounts of alcohol, chain-smoke, or get involved with many other dangerous substances.
And just to look better, some people are even willing to inject toxins into their bodies to fight against aging.
However, the same people will go to health spas, exercise on a daily basis, eat healthy foods, and take part in some form of meditation in order to cleanse their mind and soul.
When you see people doing things like this, one cannot help to wonder who are the real culprits.
We continue to blame many companies that promote a lot of these dangerous products, however, one of the reasons why they do so is because many of us are willing to purchase these products, knowing very well just how dangerous they are.