Are You A Future User Of Phentermine? Then Here Are Some Things You Must Know
You need to know whether or not Phentermine use is addictive
Using any type of prescription medication has the potential to become addictive. Even if you do not develop a chemical dependency, you may simply become accustomed to the way it makes you feel.
When it comes to using Phentermine the chances of dependency are very minimal. Phentermine is not in amphetamine and there is no substantial evidence to suggest it is addictive. The only downside is that the more someone uses Phentermine the more it may lose its effectiveness.
You need to know what to do should phentermine stop working effectively
When you first start taking Phentermine it may work just fine for you in regards to helping suppress your appetite. However, down the line Phentermine effectiveness may begin to wear off and the dosage may be increased. Your doctor will be able to determine if giving you a higher dosage of Phentermine then what is recommended by the American Geriatrics Society is necessary.
You need to know what your body mass index must be in order to obtain Phentermine
In order for you to be prescribed Phentermine you need to meet certain criteria. In many cases your body mass index must be less than 30%. However, do not be discouraged if you do not meet these criteria. There have been many studies done that prove someone is at risk for any number of diseases if their body mass index is over 22%. So if you fall a few points below the 30% recommendation you still have a strong chance of being prescribed the drug.
You need to know how long you can take phentermine
In many cases you will be able to take Phentermine as long as you feel it is needed and as long as it is helping you to lose weight and establish healthy habits. The only thing I would say is that you should not depend on it for long-term for weight maintenance. It would also be a good idea to keep in constant contact with a medical professional regarding long-term use.
If Phentermine stops working then it may be because of other underlying problems you might have. That is why it is going to be so important to take the drug while under the care of a medical professional. Do not depend on the drug long-term; establish healthy habits that will help sustain any positive results you are hoping to get while taking the drug.