How to Get Out of Debt Fast - The Best and Fastest Solutions
Folks who, in the past, paid little attention to their mounting debt are now realizing their financial situation needs to improve fast.
This article will explore some of the best solutions to your financial problem.
The following include some solutions that, although obvious, you may not have thought about them.
Keep in mind that there is no really fast solution to a debt problem, but if you are motivated and disciplined you will be out of debt in no time.
Is Your Debt Light To Moderate? Cascading Debt Elimination--Although some people believe that it makes more financial sense to make an effort to pay off your debts with the largest interest rate first, the cascading method aims at paying off your smallest debt first, and adding the payment for the first paid off debt to the second smallest debt until all your debts are paid off.
The logic behind this method is that you gain momentum every time a debt is paid off, which motivates you to go on until your debts are all gone.
Balance Transfer To A low Interest Credit Card If you have a moderate debt burden, good credit, and a somewhat decent income, qualifying for a low interest or even a 0% interest credit card should be relatively easy.
As soon as your low interest card is approved you can transfer your balances to the new card.
If you want to use this method, keep in mind that:
- You must read and understand their terms and conditions before you submit their application.
- The zero or low interest rate is just for a limited time, usually for 9 to 12 months, afterwards the interest rate may significantly increase, so you will need to pay off your debt before the limited time runs out.
- This is one of the better ways to get out of debt fast if you know how to do it.
Keep in mind that you must not use your credit cards and must cancel your high interest cards once you pay off those debts.
Do not use your credit cards or you will end up with a heavier debt burden.
Every IRS district office has a Problem Resolution Program set up to give assistance to tax payers.
Look for your local government listings in the phone book or go to the IRS website.
The IRS's PRP handles close to half a million calls a year and most of the callers ask for help in getting their tax refund early.
Do You Have High Debt Level And Are Experiencing Hardship? If bankruptcy has crossed your mind, consider buying a do it yourself debt settlement program, which includes coaching by a reputable expert in the field of debt settlement.
This system is a better option to filing bankruptcy and you do not have to pay incredibly high fees to a debt settlement company.
Hopefully this article motivated you to find out the details about the options discussed in this article.
As you can see, the answer to how to get out of debt fast depends on how far into debt you are, as well as your discipline and motivation