Stellar Kart Interview
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Kim - I have to ask (with the whole wide open thing) ... what were your day jobs before Stellar Kart busted out, got signed by a label?
Adam - Oh yeah ... we make so much money now ... it's ridiculous. You have no idea! (laughs). You can't imagine!
Brian - We're in a 12-passenger van!
Kim - And you've even got your own trailer too don't you?
Adam - Oh yeah! We've got our very own trailer now with one fender!
We're very happy having one fender left! Jordan was a painter.
Jordan - I painted houses.
Kim - Were you any good at painting houses?
Jordan - (laughs) I probably spilled more paint that I painted with.
Adam - He liked to step in the five gallon buckets of paint!
Brian - I actually had a job at Starbucks before I came on the road with these guys, but I quit before I started.
Kim - That's probably wise, because they'd probably fire you for not showing up for work. Is this better than Starbucks?
Brian - It's better than Starbucks.
Adam - Cody worked in a tire shop.
Cody - I did a lot of things, honestly. I went to college for two years and then dropped out of school to do this. In between school, I would always do construction jobs or work in the tire shop. I technically still work at the tire shop. When I am back in town, I go work. My friend owns a race tire company, so I go make racing tires.
Adam - He's a welder.
Cody - I tried to teach Adam how to weld once. He lit himself on fire ... it was awesome!
Adam - Just my left arm. (laughs) It was OK. I was a worship pastor at a couple of churches. I also worked for the Central Association of Southern Baptists in Phoenix as a sound system and worship consultant for about a hundred churches. Just helped them out with fixing their sound systems and buying stuff for their churches. What else did I do?
Cody - He was a hunter and a golfer.
Adam - I try to play golf a couple of times a week. I played with the Kutless guys and beat Ryan and James pretty easily.
Cody - Well if we're going to get on that road, when I'm at home I like to go dirt bike riding and stuff like that. Go skating or something. I'm pretty adventurous.
Adam - Cody builds long boards ... skateboards about as long as this table. What about you? What do you do in your free time?
Kim - I have kids, so I don't have free time! (laughs)
Cody - Boys or girls?
Kim - Three of each and five at home. It's kind of strange. I have a Jordan and you have a Jordan. I have a Taylor and you had a Taylor, but Brian took his place, and I have a Brian too!
Adam - That is amazing!
Cody - We've got a connection here. So you couldn't write anything bad about our CD because it would be like writing something bad about your family! We're like your babies!
Kim - You guys have a show coming up, so what do you want to say to my readers in closing?
Cody - Thank you so much for buying the CD.
Adam - We love our fans. We love playing for people. Our lyrics are very vertical oriented. This is a ministry for us. If it's not about the ministry, then why are we a Christian band? That's why we do what we do ... so we can change lives and have positive music for kids to listen to. We know that at any point God could take it away, but He's made it obvious that this is what He wants us to do right now. If it's not about Him and His glory and teaching people about Him, then it's not about anything. We're very content with where we are.
Kim - Well, on that note, you have a sound check to do. So, since you're my babies I can say this ... go to work! (laughs)