Divorce Records In North Carolina Free Database Online
The states Vital Records Office is the right office to approach if you need divorce records that go back to as early as January 1958. Those that are not found in the said office are kept by the Clerk of Court of the county where the dissolution of marriage took place, especially records that are dated earlier than 1958. If you request via the state office, you need to pay $24 for every request and $15 for every additional copy you ask for. The Clerk of Court has fees, too, but the amount varies according to county.
In North Carolina, certified divorce records are not available for access to just anybody. These certified copies are what you need when you have to take care of legal procedures. A certified copy is an abstract of the original record and carries the signature of the State Registrar, as well as the seal of the Vital Records Office. Apart from the person who owns the records, his or her spouse, stepchild, stepparent, sibling, direct descendants and ancestors are also qualified to obtain certified copies. Legal representatives with authorization from the record owner are likewise allowed to get such copies. Prepare a proof of eligibility and a proof of identification before filing your request.
If you are not authorized to get a certified copy, you can still obtain the information you need via an informational copy. This copy is marked uncertified and does not have the Vital Records Office seal. It is also not accepted as a form of legal requirement.
Although the state has a same-day delivery service option, it is still possible for you not to get the record you need on time. You may still have to wait a couple of days or weeks as there is usually a cut-off period for the filing of request. However, if you really need to get the record at the soonest possible time, you can always turn to independent online record providers.
An online record provider is just like an office or group that offers divorce records free services. Unlike state or county offices, you will get results after only a few minutes. No need to wait for days or weeks. Additionally, you wont be paying for every record you need. You are only required to pay once, and the amount is very minimal. And in exchange for the one-time fee, you will be given exclusive unlimited access to their comprehensive database. So you can search for any public record you need whenever you need to! Thats like having your cake and eating it, too!