Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis - What Will Treat This Condition?
One of the steps that you will have to take is to examine your diet.
You will need to determine if there is anything that you are allergic to.
Some foods can cause this problem so that is the importance of discovering any allergies.
Other natural cures for Bacterial Vaginosis include natural, live yogurt used on the area that is affected.
Be careful what you eat and make sure you have a good diet as well as drinking plenty of water.
Bacterial Vaginosis occurs when there is too much bad bacteria in the vagina and can be caused by many things.
Sometimes a course of antibiotics will make the friendly bacteria be out grown by the bad bacteria.
The way of solving this is by replacing the good bacteria and making sure it out grows the bad bacteria.
Anyone can have this problem although sexual intercourse can be one reason for it.
It is always advisable that if a woman has this who is sexually active then her sexual partner should be treated for it too.
There are a lot of causes for this problem and it is not limited by one cause.
Tight clothing that causes a lot of sweating in the vaginal area can also be the reason.
Therefore wearing lose fitting clothing could be one way of tackling this problem.
Try to avoid antibiotics and only take them if you have to as they can lead to this condition.
Avoid strong perfumes and douches in the vaginal area as this can cause the bad bacteria to grow.
There are many holistic cures as well.
Vinegar can be applied to the vagina or drunk by combining 2 ounces of apple vinegar with 6 ounces of water and taking 3 times a day.
Another way of treating this is by using tea tree oil as a suppository.
Tea tree must be diluted first before applying it to the vagina.
The sooner you deal with this problem the easier it is to treat as there will be less bad bacteria present.
You will need to determine if there is anything that you are allergic to.
Some foods can cause this problem so that is the importance of discovering any allergies.
Other natural cures for Bacterial Vaginosis include natural, live yogurt used on the area that is affected.
Be careful what you eat and make sure you have a good diet as well as drinking plenty of water.
Bacterial Vaginosis occurs when there is too much bad bacteria in the vagina and can be caused by many things.
Sometimes a course of antibiotics will make the friendly bacteria be out grown by the bad bacteria.
The way of solving this is by replacing the good bacteria and making sure it out grows the bad bacteria.
Anyone can have this problem although sexual intercourse can be one reason for it.
It is always advisable that if a woman has this who is sexually active then her sexual partner should be treated for it too.
There are a lot of causes for this problem and it is not limited by one cause.
Tight clothing that causes a lot of sweating in the vaginal area can also be the reason.
Therefore wearing lose fitting clothing could be one way of tackling this problem.
Try to avoid antibiotics and only take them if you have to as they can lead to this condition.
Avoid strong perfumes and douches in the vaginal area as this can cause the bad bacteria to grow.
There are many holistic cures as well.
Vinegar can be applied to the vagina or drunk by combining 2 ounces of apple vinegar with 6 ounces of water and taking 3 times a day.
Another way of treating this is by using tea tree oil as a suppository.
Tea tree must be diluted first before applying it to the vagina.
The sooner you deal with this problem the easier it is to treat as there will be less bad bacteria present.