Cheats for Moorhuhn Jewel
- Put out the fires with the water, then collect the treasures. Travel to the top right and go into the chamber that has the grenades and ton weights. Begin at the top right and grab the grenade, then go behind the first weight and push it to the right side. Repeat with four or five rows, then collect the grenades, avoiding the weights that fall down. Collect as many as you can, then battle the monsters and progress to the next level.
- Touch the bombs near the rocks, ignoring the ones in the dirt, when the skeletons are close to them. Drop the grenades on them when they are going down rather than up; this will kill them quickly.
- Draw a map to make it easier for you to see where you are going. From the chamber, go left, down, up, down, left and right. You will find yourself in a chamber with a rock and two metal boxes. Drop a grenade on the metal box on the right so you can walk through after the rock is destroyed and advance to the next level.
- Throw your grenades to clear a path to the bottom center, then drop a TNT barrel there. When the monsters escape, use your grenades to kill the ones that don't get blown up by the TNT barrels. This will give you extra points and you can advance to the next level.
- When you have conquered all 150 levels, click "New Game" to replay any of the game levels.
Advance to the Next Level on Level 46
How to Kill the Skeletons on Level 78
How to Get Past Level 92
How to Kill Monsters in Level 129
Level Replay