SAP Recruiting - Still Paying 30% Agency Commissions?
In 2011 why are SAP agents still earning in excess of 30% of a consultants income? When a consultant gets on another plane to get on project site, are they really pleased at losing 30% of their money to agents? When SAP budgets are set, is the plan to pay 30% of it to agents in commission?
To address the core issues requires:
Has the SAP community actually lost it? What do you think??
- Why do we check plumbers', Doctors', electricians' etc reputation but not that of a SAP consultant?
- Is it really part of the plan, to find you have hired a consultant who is well know (by others) as unprofessional, lazy or incapable, because that knowledge has not been shared?
- How can it be in the age of communication that the SAP community does not have a single voice regarding which consultants have provided an excellent service to them, where each consultants' reputation can be viewed and therefore rewarded with the most interesting projects?
- SAP consultants today have become 'a product' themselves, they are only as good as their rate, availability and CV content, with the expert consultants being lumped together with the unprofessional consultants.
This is not right - but it is happening right now!
- To implement SAP by using the cheapest consultants available, leads to financial and project disasters, though these are not the only factors that impact on the success of an SAP implementation.
It is a simple fact that professional consultants produce professional results.
To address the core issues requires:
- Consultants proving their SAP reputation through references and ratings.
- 'Open book' pricing policies.
- Direct search and select where information is instant and reliable.
- 'On the bench' staff made available for hire until a project is won by their employer that fits their skills.
Has the SAP community actually lost it? What do you think??