Imbecile scientists: Why don't you look above your tiny heads?
Imbecile scientists: Why don't you look above your tiny heads?
Science (from scire in Latin refers to know) is concerned what the idiot man of science or knowledge can observe by the naked eye and no doubt is left for his mind. Thus for example a scientist applies his scientific reasoning by observing nature, the world, the universe, with its inhabitants such as stars, planets, galaxies.
He must see a star in order ot believe that such a star exists. But if such an imbecile cannot see the star, being blind or cockeyed then he cannot believe in this star. Evidence must be provided for such an idiot. Proof, without the least doubt must be provided in order that such imbecile must believe in it.
Is this not the brilliant scientific method proposed by the three donkeys Laplace, Bacon and Descartes? Well these little bugs did not have the time to look above their heads. They were concerned, like all their worshippers namely other idiots scientists, by the proof beyond all doubt.
A biologist, and his bio-chemist colleague as well, must smell the waste product of the bull in order to believe it is what it is, subject it to his laboratory tools of knowledge, and then, having proof for his induction,accepts its existence as real. Such a method is called as scientific analysis and conclusions.
From the first moment such an idiot put his nose in the product to the moment of his brilliant conclusion the product confirms such a scientific knowledge he is bent to discover the truth.
The bull bottom is then examined according scientific methods in order to establish whether or not it is the real exit of the bull's waste product. Then data is gathered and again scientific induction, as well as scientific deduction, is exploited to its full advantage. Then the concerned scientists, and his honorable colleagues merit the Nobel Price for their findings.
Well, good luck to these imbeciles who blind their eyes to the reality of things.
They close themselves in the darkness of their caves of ignorance to look into the sensible applying their scientific methods of knowledge.
How far from reality are they! How closed upon their methods of limitations. How far from knowledge are they! Knowledge is not only limited to the waste product of a bull, nor to the bull itself, but to the fundamental identity of things. This is real knowledge and this is completely missed by the so-called exact and applied empirical sciences.
The presence, origin and purpose of the universe is not subject to any science. How can it be? Since there is science that questions these fundamental realities. But science blinds itself, for short of methods, scientific ones of course. Science has no scientific method to look on the fundaments identification of how come there is a bull, or a the scientist who looks into the bull, nor into the power that has brought the bull and the scientist, his little bully brain included, into existence.
We are all endowed with minds to look into things and conclude for ourselves. We all have brains, different in size compared with the brilliant scientists, to observe, comprehend and conclude. We all have instincts that includes scientific outlook but we do not limit ourselves to scientific method, ‘I believe in what I see'.
Well, an idiot of this caliber, and there are lots of them, does not raise his eyes above his head to look into the universe, his own self universe within, the universe about him and the universe at large. We all have eyes to see but bypass the scientist in his dark cave laboratory and see clearly, and do not need proof beyond doubt, the hand of an Almighty God that brought the universe into existence.
What more proof does the imbecile scientist need. Than confronting a limitless universe, with its order and harmony, beauty and majesty, succinctness and precision. All this is not enough for the brilliant scientist, being Laplace, Bacon or Descartes, an Einstein and an imbecile like Stephen Hawking crippled in the body and mind declaring that God is unnessecary for the creation of the universe, What arrogance, the crippled-soul?
Is not life with its two million expressions of animalistic species, including the human species itself, enough to satisfy the scientist's curiosity to establish the existence of an All Knowledgeable God, All Controlling God?
Who did bring about the universe. in its structure, its dilution, its form ,its shape and colors? Who created matter, whether atoms, quarks or strings? Who has created the structure and function and characteristics of each atoms, that constitutes the universe? Who did assemble such atoms in such a way that it produces the things that we see? Galaxies, stars, planets; planet earth, the sun and the solar system?
Who makes the earth turn in its orbit? Few hundred thousands of Km approaching the sun, made in few seconds for the speed of the earth around the 92 million km each year is 1600 km per second, earth would explode and burn out. Few second of going farther from the sun we would freeze. If the earth slows down rotating about itself we would be pinned down, scientists also, to its surface.
If our planet speeds up its rotation we would be catapulted out, scientists as well. If the earth stops turning around its axis one of its sides exposed to the sun, burns out and the other side freezes out, and life perishes. Little change in the conditions of our survival, such as lack of oxygen or diminution of atmospheric pressure we would disappear with all manifestations of life, scientists included.
Perhaps scientists themselves have contributed to such order an precision of purpose. They may have assisted in the creation of the universe, its galaxies and its stars and planets? Perhaps they were gave hand to the Almighty God to bring the earth some 6-5 billions of years ago? But scientists blind themselves to these realities. Science merely discovers what God has made.
Scientists being atoms themselves put together in order to be humans, and not only scientists, to think, to measure, to analyze, to understand and to conclude. They are like other miserable atoms, have no say in the matter, in anything in fact.
But science and its scientists boasters of their knowledge did not until now explain atoms, where do they come from, why should they function, their vastness of varieties and their assembling systems as well as their presence and finalities.They all are forced into being. They are all forced, like the rest of us, to undergo a life-cycle.
They are all forced, by obligation and have no one choice, but to submit themselves to conditions of life, eating, drinking, sleeping and thinking. They have no choice in all these. They are forced to confront with the universe. They are forced to choose between belief in God and disbelief.
Then at the end of their miserable short existence, blind as they are and arrogant as they are to reality and truth, to be reduced to ashes at their inescapable death, exactly like the waste product of the bull.
Science (from scire in Latin refers to know) is concerned what the idiot man of science or knowledge can observe by the naked eye and no doubt is left for his mind. Thus for example a scientist applies his scientific reasoning by observing nature, the world, the universe, with its inhabitants such as stars, planets, galaxies.
He must see a star in order ot believe that such a star exists. But if such an imbecile cannot see the star, being blind or cockeyed then he cannot believe in this star. Evidence must be provided for such an idiot. Proof, without the least doubt must be provided in order that such imbecile must believe in it.
Is this not the brilliant scientific method proposed by the three donkeys Laplace, Bacon and Descartes? Well these little bugs did not have the time to look above their heads. They were concerned, like all their worshippers namely other idiots scientists, by the proof beyond all doubt.
A biologist, and his bio-chemist colleague as well, must smell the waste product of the bull in order to believe it is what it is, subject it to his laboratory tools of knowledge, and then, having proof for his induction,accepts its existence as real. Such a method is called as scientific analysis and conclusions.
From the first moment such an idiot put his nose in the product to the moment of his brilliant conclusion the product confirms such a scientific knowledge he is bent to discover the truth.
The bull bottom is then examined according scientific methods in order to establish whether or not it is the real exit of the bull's waste product. Then data is gathered and again scientific induction, as well as scientific deduction, is exploited to its full advantage. Then the concerned scientists, and his honorable colleagues merit the Nobel Price for their findings.
Well, good luck to these imbeciles who blind their eyes to the reality of things.
They close themselves in the darkness of their caves of ignorance to look into the sensible applying their scientific methods of knowledge.
How far from reality are they! How closed upon their methods of limitations. How far from knowledge are they! Knowledge is not only limited to the waste product of a bull, nor to the bull itself, but to the fundamental identity of things. This is real knowledge and this is completely missed by the so-called exact and applied empirical sciences.
The presence, origin and purpose of the universe is not subject to any science. How can it be? Since there is science that questions these fundamental realities. But science blinds itself, for short of methods, scientific ones of course. Science has no scientific method to look on the fundaments identification of how come there is a bull, or a the scientist who looks into the bull, nor into the power that has brought the bull and the scientist, his little bully brain included, into existence.
We are all endowed with minds to look into things and conclude for ourselves. We all have brains, different in size compared with the brilliant scientists, to observe, comprehend and conclude. We all have instincts that includes scientific outlook but we do not limit ourselves to scientific method, ‘I believe in what I see'.
Well, an idiot of this caliber, and there are lots of them, does not raise his eyes above his head to look into the universe, his own self universe within, the universe about him and the universe at large. We all have eyes to see but bypass the scientist in his dark cave laboratory and see clearly, and do not need proof beyond doubt, the hand of an Almighty God that brought the universe into existence.
What more proof does the imbecile scientist need. Than confronting a limitless universe, with its order and harmony, beauty and majesty, succinctness and precision. All this is not enough for the brilliant scientist, being Laplace, Bacon or Descartes, an Einstein and an imbecile like Stephen Hawking crippled in the body and mind declaring that God is unnessecary for the creation of the universe, What arrogance, the crippled-soul?
Is not life with its two million expressions of animalistic species, including the human species itself, enough to satisfy the scientist's curiosity to establish the existence of an All Knowledgeable God, All Controlling God?
Who did bring about the universe. in its structure, its dilution, its form ,its shape and colors? Who created matter, whether atoms, quarks or strings? Who has created the structure and function and characteristics of each atoms, that constitutes the universe? Who did assemble such atoms in such a way that it produces the things that we see? Galaxies, stars, planets; planet earth, the sun and the solar system?
Who makes the earth turn in its orbit? Few hundred thousands of Km approaching the sun, made in few seconds for the speed of the earth around the 92 million km each year is 1600 km per second, earth would explode and burn out. Few second of going farther from the sun we would freeze. If the earth slows down rotating about itself we would be pinned down, scientists also, to its surface.
If our planet speeds up its rotation we would be catapulted out, scientists as well. If the earth stops turning around its axis one of its sides exposed to the sun, burns out and the other side freezes out, and life perishes. Little change in the conditions of our survival, such as lack of oxygen or diminution of atmospheric pressure we would disappear with all manifestations of life, scientists included.
Perhaps scientists themselves have contributed to such order an precision of purpose. They may have assisted in the creation of the universe, its galaxies and its stars and planets? Perhaps they were gave hand to the Almighty God to bring the earth some 6-5 billions of years ago? But scientists blind themselves to these realities. Science merely discovers what God has made.
Scientists being atoms themselves put together in order to be humans, and not only scientists, to think, to measure, to analyze, to understand and to conclude. They are like other miserable atoms, have no say in the matter, in anything in fact.
But science and its scientists boasters of their knowledge did not until now explain atoms, where do they come from, why should they function, their vastness of varieties and their assembling systems as well as their presence and finalities.They all are forced into being. They are all forced, like the rest of us, to undergo a life-cycle.
They are all forced, by obligation and have no one choice, but to submit themselves to conditions of life, eating, drinking, sleeping and thinking. They have no choice in all these. They are forced to confront with the universe. They are forced to choose between belief in God and disbelief.
Then at the end of their miserable short existence, blind as they are and arrogant as they are to reality and truth, to be reduced to ashes at their inescapable death, exactly like the waste product of the bull.