Looky We Caught Another Terrorist and Promise to Protect Washington DC
You see, there was an interesting article published on January 18, 2015 in the Washington Post titled; "Ohio man arrested in alleged plot to attack Capitol," by Sara Horwitz which stated that authorities had found someone in Ohio who spoke highly of ISIS and subsequently was plotting to do some type of terrorist event in Washington DC.
It turns out however that although this particular plot had included the collection of weapons, and thoughts of killing US Government leaders, workers and employees, the supposed terrorist suspect was not actually in contact with ISIS and didn't receive any instructions, training, advice, or money from them to conduct such a terrorist act.
You know, I just hate to say it, but I bet this is made up and blown out of proportion to prove self-worth of security forces due to the up-coming state of the union speech.
Check the record last year and the year before, it's always the same deal.
Why? I dare to ask why? Remember too Joe Biden's house was supposedly shot at last week too? I am sorry but, I am not buying any of this anymore.
Personally, I do not FEAR and I am tired of all this money supposedly protecting the American People going to protect the leadership, especially considering it is our money and we don't need those politicians, they need us! If they uncover real terrorists - just shoot them, stop playing along with them 'setting them up' and then claiming "look we caught ourselves a terrorist" more like entrapped another bone head to serve as an example of investigative prowess.
Creating evil-doers through entrapment, undercover games, and use of what some lesser IQ person says on Facebook in the dark of night isn't really protecting the American People from terrorism, it's protecting the money flow to a huge government funded industry of surveillance, security and policing, and industry that has seen nothing but growth since 9-11-2001.
Who are we kidding, and how many times to we have to pretend that this sort of nonsense for TV media is okay.
It's not.
I am not pleased, this is becoming grossly negligent and bathed in complete BS.
Sincerely, Lance