How to Play Beach Bingo With Kids
- 1). Make your own beach bingo cards. The cards should consist of either a four-by-four or five-by-five grid. In each grid square, draw a thing you can find at the beach, including waves, seagulls, tanning lotion, sun glasses, shells, crabs and fish. You can place them in any order on the card for each card.
- 2). Print out pre-made beach bingo cards you find online. These cards eliminate some of the hassle of creating your own card and can be recycled after each beach trip.
- 3). Give each child a card and a washable marker. Explain the rules. Once an object is spotted, a child must call it out. The first person to see it gets to mark it on their card. The person that fills their card in first is declared the winner.
- 4). Walk down the beach to find the different objects. Listen closely to see what the children spot. If there is a big argument about a certain object, either allow them both to mark the object or neither to mark the object and continue on.
- 5). Give an award for the child who fills his card in first. This can be anything from a special shell, extra snack or use of all the shovels and pails.
- 6). Switch the cards between the children and play again on the walk back. Make things more challenging by assigning specifics to each object. For example, instead of just a shell, a person has to find a white shell or instead of just a seagull it has to be a flying seagull.
- 7). Play the game in a stationary position. This makes it harder because instead of walking around and looking, players have to wait for things to pass by them.