The Bible"s Deception - Where is God"s Endorsement?
What is the bible? Some Christians believe it to be the only way to heaven.
It may be a way, or it might not be a way.
But It just might just be a clever deception.
What? Who would possibly create a deception on man? Perhaps the bible is incomplete.
Kinda like leaving out a key.
If Some one was to create a deception on a religion it would be best disguised coming from within that religion.
Let me tell you a little story.
A friend of mine is a preacher.
He preaches of love for your brother the sacred heart of Jesus, God and the Bible.
We were driving with him, when all of a sudden someone cut us off.
A little bit of rage came from the preacher, who was driving the car.
It would be fair to say this is a fairly normal reaction from a lot of people.
Actually, a little less and from some, and quite a bit more from others.
If I threw a bible on a fire, it would burn like a piece of wood and perhaps a little vapor of black smoke would rise into the air, from the ink.
What would be left? Would I have just killed God? Would man lose God? Would that mean a man could not find the Kingdom of God with out the bible? Some might say that this act of burning the bible would be a terrible sin against God.
I have nothing against the bible.
Although I have plenty against the hypocrisy of man and the ignorance to his own folly.
In God's eye the preacher committed a much greater sin than me for burning a book.
What? Are you crazy? The preacher's sin was against his brother.
My sin was against no one.
Lets consider that if the person was a relative, loved one, or a friend, you probably would slow down and let Them in front of you so they would be able to exit the highway safely.
You would probably wave and toot your horn in a friendly gesture.
In God's eye all people, born of woman, are brothers and sisters with God as their father.
So when you raise your fist in anger against your brother, That is a terrible sin against God.
His disciples said to Jesus, "Your Family waits outside to see you.
" Jesus replied, "My family are these people around me who are listening to my words and understanding them...
" Here Jesus is saying he is raising up all mankind to the level of love he has for his close family.
All mankind is his family.
Is this how you feel when you compare a close family member to a total stranger? Jesus said to love your brother.
We launch bombs on him.
Jesus said to "turn the other cheek.
" Do we as men do this? No.
We retaliate and get revenge on our brothers.
Jesus said, "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's".
Yet our churches of today are run like businesses, with money being the only way many churches stay together Jesus said "My father's house is for prayer, Yet you have turned it into a den of thieves.
" So tell me why churches still have bingo nights and yard sales when Jesus was so violently opposed to selling in God's house.
Did we miss Jesus' point? Are we blind to our own folly? What would Jesus think if he was here today? Do you suppose he would think man has grasped his teachings? He would see the Jewish people launching bombs on his brother.
He would see Christians worshiping a cross believing they are saved.
He would see Muslims fighting each other.
Do you think that he would believe they are following God's Word to Mohammed written in the Koran.
No outside source can show you the truth.
The truth from comes from God, from within you.
Jesus said, "Do you wash the outside of the cup and not wash the inside also?" The outside is your worldly pleasures, and the inside is your soul,which is your connection to God.
It may be a way, or it might not be a way.
But It just might just be a clever deception.
What? Who would possibly create a deception on man? Perhaps the bible is incomplete.
Kinda like leaving out a key.
If Some one was to create a deception on a religion it would be best disguised coming from within that religion.
Let me tell you a little story.
A friend of mine is a preacher.
He preaches of love for your brother the sacred heart of Jesus, God and the Bible.
We were driving with him, when all of a sudden someone cut us off.
A little bit of rage came from the preacher, who was driving the car.
It would be fair to say this is a fairly normal reaction from a lot of people.
Actually, a little less and from some, and quite a bit more from others.
If I threw a bible on a fire, it would burn like a piece of wood and perhaps a little vapor of black smoke would rise into the air, from the ink.
What would be left? Would I have just killed God? Would man lose God? Would that mean a man could not find the Kingdom of God with out the bible? Some might say that this act of burning the bible would be a terrible sin against God.
I have nothing against the bible.
Although I have plenty against the hypocrisy of man and the ignorance to his own folly.
In God's eye the preacher committed a much greater sin than me for burning a book.
What? Are you crazy? The preacher's sin was against his brother.
My sin was against no one.
Lets consider that if the person was a relative, loved one, or a friend, you probably would slow down and let Them in front of you so they would be able to exit the highway safely.
You would probably wave and toot your horn in a friendly gesture.
In God's eye all people, born of woman, are brothers and sisters with God as their father.
So when you raise your fist in anger against your brother, That is a terrible sin against God.
His disciples said to Jesus, "Your Family waits outside to see you.
" Jesus replied, "My family are these people around me who are listening to my words and understanding them...
" Here Jesus is saying he is raising up all mankind to the level of love he has for his close family.
All mankind is his family.
Is this how you feel when you compare a close family member to a total stranger? Jesus said to love your brother.
We launch bombs on him.
Jesus said to "turn the other cheek.
" Do we as men do this? No.
We retaliate and get revenge on our brothers.
Jesus said, "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's".
Yet our churches of today are run like businesses, with money being the only way many churches stay together Jesus said "My father's house is for prayer, Yet you have turned it into a den of thieves.
" So tell me why churches still have bingo nights and yard sales when Jesus was so violently opposed to selling in God's house.
Did we miss Jesus' point? Are we blind to our own folly? What would Jesus think if he was here today? Do you suppose he would think man has grasped his teachings? He would see the Jewish people launching bombs on his brother.
He would see Christians worshiping a cross believing they are saved.
He would see Muslims fighting each other.
Do you think that he would believe they are following God's Word to Mohammed written in the Koran.
No outside source can show you the truth.
The truth from comes from God, from within you.
Jesus said, "Do you wash the outside of the cup and not wash the inside also?" The outside is your worldly pleasures, and the inside is your soul,which is your connection to God.