Purple Fruits Help Prevent Obesity? The Truth About Berries
Berries, which are characterized by their inherent purple pigment, are natural agents that help people prevent obesity.
This truth is conveyed by Ronald Prior and his associates who conducted a study on fruits containing anthocyanins, the antioxidant that gives off the red to purple to black color among plants.
In their previous experiments on animals, the mice that were fed on a high-fat diet for 8 weeks displayed a remarkable effect of obesity prevention besides healthful alterations of disease-related contents present in the blood.
In their follow-up experiment, they added, for 8 weeks, water drinks with purified anthocyanins from blueberries and strawberries to the high-fat diet of mice.
This method resulted to lower body fat level.
The mice also gained less weight.
However, in both experiments, researchers found a painful truth: eating whole fruits having purple, red, or black pigments cannot prevent obesity; extracted juice from these fruits, however, can.
The study revealed that eating purple fruits may increase obesity.
Nonetheless, on April 19, 2009, the Experimental Biology held in New Orleans fore-grounded the potency of blueberries in decreasing the risk elements linked with cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndromes like obesity and overweight.
For 12 weeks, mice that were given blueberries-enriched diet which constitutes 2% of their overall diet-manifested lesser abdominal fat, reduced triglycerides, decreased level of cholesterol, and bettered fasting glucose and sensitivity to insulin.
These effects are evidence of glucose converted into energy.
Apart from having lower body weight, reduced total fat mass, and decreased liver mass, purple fruits and their anthocyanins prevent enlargement of the liver which can be linked to obesity and insulin resistance, two features of diabetes.
Anthocyanins can be found in fruits and vegetables that are red, yellow, purple, or black in color.
Common fruits are grapes, strawberries, blueberries, apples, and carrots.
However, one truth about all these fruits is that blueberries bested them all when it comes to anthocyanin content.
This truth is conveyed by Ronald Prior and his associates who conducted a study on fruits containing anthocyanins, the antioxidant that gives off the red to purple to black color among plants.
In their previous experiments on animals, the mice that were fed on a high-fat diet for 8 weeks displayed a remarkable effect of obesity prevention besides healthful alterations of disease-related contents present in the blood.
In their follow-up experiment, they added, for 8 weeks, water drinks with purified anthocyanins from blueberries and strawberries to the high-fat diet of mice.
This method resulted to lower body fat level.
The mice also gained less weight.
However, in both experiments, researchers found a painful truth: eating whole fruits having purple, red, or black pigments cannot prevent obesity; extracted juice from these fruits, however, can.
The study revealed that eating purple fruits may increase obesity.
Nonetheless, on April 19, 2009, the Experimental Biology held in New Orleans fore-grounded the potency of blueberries in decreasing the risk elements linked with cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndromes like obesity and overweight.
For 12 weeks, mice that were given blueberries-enriched diet which constitutes 2% of their overall diet-manifested lesser abdominal fat, reduced triglycerides, decreased level of cholesterol, and bettered fasting glucose and sensitivity to insulin.
These effects are evidence of glucose converted into energy.
Apart from having lower body weight, reduced total fat mass, and decreased liver mass, purple fruits and their anthocyanins prevent enlargement of the liver which can be linked to obesity and insulin resistance, two features of diabetes.
Anthocyanins can be found in fruits and vegetables that are red, yellow, purple, or black in color.
Common fruits are grapes, strawberries, blueberries, apples, and carrots.
However, one truth about all these fruits is that blueberries bested them all when it comes to anthocyanin content.