Candida Drugs - More Side Effects Than Benefits
She got her test results back from Great Smokies Lab, which indicated she may have a small overgrowth of yeast, although that is inconclusive.
This medication seems very nasty from the research she has done, and she is scared to take something that could cause fatal liver failure, since her yeast levels could be normal.
According to the lab, though, her strain of yeast is resistant to other remedies, including caprylic acid and Nystatin.
She is taking probiotics (Primal Defense) which has helped a great deal, and she has changed her diet.
It feels like an extreme drug to take since she doesn't have many health problems related to candida, only IBS, and those symptoms are already greatly diminished.
In my thought, I feel that she must have more of an overgrowth than I do, because mine was too low to even do a sensitivity panel.
Also, I don't think Nizoral is the only thing you can take in this situation.
Just make sure to take things for the liver.
I have been taking Sporanox (200mgs/day) and I use milk thistle and NAC to protect mine.
So far, I feel great and my liver tests are normal.
I had taken Nizoral very steady for years, though.
I took it because it was the only thing that semi worked on my strain and to the magnitude that I was infested with colonies.
It started to do damage to my liver at year 3.
I cut back then, and only took it after that when the yeast affected my respiratory breathing ability.
I repaired my liver with liver supplements for 3 years once I got the dose down and was off it.
I feel that Nizoral also debilitated and/or compromised my immune system similar to the way antibiotics does.
I also had to take more and more Nizoral to function.
Now that I am much smarter and experienced with yeast, I now would only choose to take Nizoral for a quick dose of 2-7 days.
I found that if it does not work on my problem area by then, it never would.
The side effects were greater than the benefit.