How to Get Stomach Abs
Who doesn't want perfect abs near his stomach.
They're the most glamourous part of a physique and synonymous with good health.
Yet even the fittest of the fittest people have flabby stomachs with no abs.
The key to getting stomach abs is a healthy diet and a relatively simple exercise regime.
Both of which are simple to follow for people of all ages.
This guide lists out a few of these.
DIET: The diet to get stomach abs easily is customized for two types of people a)People with body fat levels >20% and b> people with lesser body fat.
You guys need to concentrate on a low carb diet.
Start of your day with moderate carbs and keep reducing your intake of carbs as you progress your day.
Have zero carbs after 6 in the evening.
Consume Essential Fatty acids like almonds, fish oil and olive oil in you food.
Include a lot of lean protein like chicken, lean cuts of beef in your diet.
You guys can keep your carbs moderate and same with the fats.
Make sure you don't include too much junk in your diet or sugary items like candy, cola etc.
Say no to chips and anything that contains saturated fat.
Consume a lot of water and green vegetables to keep your vitamin and mineral count high.
Exercise: Exercise to get abs near your stomach will consist of both weight training and cardio.
The best form of cardio is doing a brisk walk or job early morning on an empty stomach.
Since your body doesn't have food, it will make use of your fat reserves for energy.
Weight training should consist of basic exercises which strengthen your core using light weights.
You will be amazed to know that doing 100's of crunches isn't the way to get stomach abs.
Follow the guide Completely and you will be on your way to get beautiful six pack stomach abs.
They're the most glamourous part of a physique and synonymous with good health.
Yet even the fittest of the fittest people have flabby stomachs with no abs.
The key to getting stomach abs is a healthy diet and a relatively simple exercise regime.
Both of which are simple to follow for people of all ages.
This guide lists out a few of these.
DIET: The diet to get stomach abs easily is customized for two types of people a)People with body fat levels >20% and b> people with lesser body fat.
- > 20 % body fat:
You guys need to concentrate on a low carb diet.
Start of your day with moderate carbs and keep reducing your intake of carbs as you progress your day.
Have zero carbs after 6 in the evening.
Consume Essential Fatty acids like almonds, fish oil and olive oil in you food.
Include a lot of lean protein like chicken, lean cuts of beef in your diet.
- <20 % body fat:
You guys can keep your carbs moderate and same with the fats.
Make sure you don't include too much junk in your diet or sugary items like candy, cola etc.
Say no to chips and anything that contains saturated fat.
Consume a lot of water and green vegetables to keep your vitamin and mineral count high.
Exercise: Exercise to get abs near your stomach will consist of both weight training and cardio.
The best form of cardio is doing a brisk walk or job early morning on an empty stomach.
Since your body doesn't have food, it will make use of your fat reserves for energy.
Weight training should consist of basic exercises which strengthen your core using light weights.
You will be amazed to know that doing 100's of crunches isn't the way to get stomach abs.
Follow the guide Completely and you will be on your way to get beautiful six pack stomach abs.