The NEW Energy Medicine
Many of the people that will read this article may have never heard of the use of electricity and or frequencies as a way to treat and heal the human body.
However, there are many devices available on the market today that claim to do just that.
This creates a dichotomy as far as some healing professionals are concerned; the way many of these devises are being offered to the public would not be considered the 'standard of practice' by allopathic medical professionals.
With that said, in many ways because of the research that is available in this area that shows the benefits it offers, it is irresponsible for the medical profession, who are supposed to be 'healers' not to pursue this avenue of treatment.
The medical community has no interest in developing this technology simply because they can't make any money from it over the longterm.
The reason they can't make huge sums of money (like they would from drugs), is because in many cases these devices can be more effective in treating certain diseases than what is currently being offered pharmaceutically.
So, what does this mean? Well if you actually cure someone then you can't make any more money off of their pain and suffering.
The bottom line is that this technology could be much more effective and a lot more advanced if there was more money for research.
Although this type of treatment may appear to be a new technology to many of you, it has actually been around and available to everyone for approximately a hundred years or so in one form or another.
For those of you who are not familiar with the technology, several researcher names that you'll want to remember are Hulda Clark, Bob Beck, Robert O Becker, Royal Rife and more recently Dr.
Tennant of the Synergy Medical Group.
These individuals have either worked with, or have had a great deal of success in using electrical current and/or frequencies in general as a healing modality.
There have been many others, some of which have either worked alongside these individuals or have done work on their own.
Products like the 'Zapper' (made famous by Hulda Clark) and more recently the 'Biomodulator' have their basis in discoveries made in Asia many hundreds of years ago (e.
Researchers such as Royal Rife had really pushed this treatment modality to its limits showing that frequencies have a direct impact on health.
This subject matter can be quite complicated, so for those who need a primer, you may ask what the difference between electrical current and frequencies are.
Frequency - is the number of cycles or completed alternations per unit time of a wave or oscillation measured in cycles per second or Hertz.
How often the current changes shape in waves.
Frequencies are found in light, sound, electricity and physical movement.
Electric current - is a physical manifestation of electrons that are moving in any direction through a wire, the ground, water or the air (depending on the context) in a circuit.
It is a flow of electric charge (a phenomenon) or the rate of flow of electric charge (a quantity) measured in amperes or milliampere (mA).
As these electrons are stored in the devices capacitor, they then get released at certain interval which creates the waveform or frequency.
These healing devices have been used to treat many disease states including (but not limited to) the common cold and flu, fungal infections, gastrointestinal issues and in some cases even cancer.
What constitutes actual healing? It needs to be said that these devices can facilitate healing, but healing has to happen on several levels, and in many cases just taking drugs to alleviate the symptoms isn't healing.
Using devices like those used in electrical medicine can actually cause healing.
Again, you have to remember that the human body is quite complex, and it is affected by everything that it is exposed to from the psychological/environmental to your dietary habits and everything in between.
It also needs to be stated here, that the main stream medical model that you are exposed to on a daily basis does not have all the answers.
This is not to say that what mainstream medicine offers isn't useful in certain cases.
What is distressing is the simple fact that the AMA and the FDA are not always looking out for your best interests.
There is a lot of money that is being made by the medical, insurance and pharmaceutical companies all of which control what medical modalities you have access to.
And without turning this article into a 'rant' about how myopic the medical community is with regards to accepting other curative modalities, the bottom line is as stated that if there isn't any money to be made in using these modalities, then there isn't any interest in making sure you have access to more research and actual cures.
Since the early 1900s there have been several devices which were designed and utilized by researchers such as Rife, Beck and Dr.
Robert O Becker who discovered that certain frequencies and voltages had a direct impact on living tissue, and the pathogens that create a disease state.
What is not well understood by the medical profession is that our cells communicate with each other, electrical current is part of this process, and when this ability is lost the cell becomes vulnerable to disease.
An easy way to describe this is that when you're exposed to a frequency (which is a vibratory state) and in this case as electricity, the cells begin to vibrate at the same rate of the frequency that they are being exposed to.
For those that don't realize it, everything in the universe vibrates even though the object appears to be solid it is not.
And as stated, when exposed to a device that creates a vibratory state, whatever is being exposed to the vibration will begin to vibrate at that same rate.
Many of you have seen the example of an opera singer hitting a note, and then seeing a champagne glass shatter.
This is a perfect example of a frequency that is generated, and how it affects matter that begins to vibrate at the exact same frequency.
There have been many 'alternative' medical modalities which have been found to be very successful in treating disease in the past; but because of the way the medical profession has taken control they have been lost in time, that is until recently (the last decade or so).
True healing has been available for a long time in forms that some would call 'alternative', and the public has purposely been kept in the dark.
So if you want to get or stay healthy read everything you can obtain on a subject such as this, and educate yourself because knowledge is power.
If you want to purchase a quality device you have to be careful.
And you don't have to spend thousands to get a therapeutic precise high quality device.
Just make sure that the frequencies that the products claim to offer are digital and are produced by a crystal controlled microprocessor.
If you want to experiment with a cost-effective handheld device you can contact http://www.
They offer low-cost high quality devices.
The latest version in their line of devices is called the 'MY'.
The 'MY' produces 14 Clark Frequencies in the 1 kHz to 2.
5 kHz range and 53 of the most important Rife frequencies for a total of 66 frequencies.
This provides you the greatest flexibility and therapeutic frequency coverage.
However, there are many devices available on the market today that claim to do just that.
This creates a dichotomy as far as some healing professionals are concerned; the way many of these devises are being offered to the public would not be considered the 'standard of practice' by allopathic medical professionals.
With that said, in many ways because of the research that is available in this area that shows the benefits it offers, it is irresponsible for the medical profession, who are supposed to be 'healers' not to pursue this avenue of treatment.
The medical community has no interest in developing this technology simply because they can't make any money from it over the longterm.
The reason they can't make huge sums of money (like they would from drugs), is because in many cases these devices can be more effective in treating certain diseases than what is currently being offered pharmaceutically.
So, what does this mean? Well if you actually cure someone then you can't make any more money off of their pain and suffering.
The bottom line is that this technology could be much more effective and a lot more advanced if there was more money for research.
Although this type of treatment may appear to be a new technology to many of you, it has actually been around and available to everyone for approximately a hundred years or so in one form or another.
For those of you who are not familiar with the technology, several researcher names that you'll want to remember are Hulda Clark, Bob Beck, Robert O Becker, Royal Rife and more recently Dr.
Tennant of the Synergy Medical Group.
These individuals have either worked with, or have had a great deal of success in using electrical current and/or frequencies in general as a healing modality.
There have been many others, some of which have either worked alongside these individuals or have done work on their own.
Products like the 'Zapper' (made famous by Hulda Clark) and more recently the 'Biomodulator' have their basis in discoveries made in Asia many hundreds of years ago (e.
Researchers such as Royal Rife had really pushed this treatment modality to its limits showing that frequencies have a direct impact on health.
This subject matter can be quite complicated, so for those who need a primer, you may ask what the difference between electrical current and frequencies are.
Frequency - is the number of cycles or completed alternations per unit time of a wave or oscillation measured in cycles per second or Hertz.
How often the current changes shape in waves.
Frequencies are found in light, sound, electricity and physical movement.
Electric current - is a physical manifestation of electrons that are moving in any direction through a wire, the ground, water or the air (depending on the context) in a circuit.
It is a flow of electric charge (a phenomenon) or the rate of flow of electric charge (a quantity) measured in amperes or milliampere (mA).
As these electrons are stored in the devices capacitor, they then get released at certain interval which creates the waveform or frequency.
These healing devices have been used to treat many disease states including (but not limited to) the common cold and flu, fungal infections, gastrointestinal issues and in some cases even cancer.
What constitutes actual healing? It needs to be said that these devices can facilitate healing, but healing has to happen on several levels, and in many cases just taking drugs to alleviate the symptoms isn't healing.
Using devices like those used in electrical medicine can actually cause healing.
Again, you have to remember that the human body is quite complex, and it is affected by everything that it is exposed to from the psychological/environmental to your dietary habits and everything in between.
It also needs to be stated here, that the main stream medical model that you are exposed to on a daily basis does not have all the answers.
This is not to say that what mainstream medicine offers isn't useful in certain cases.
What is distressing is the simple fact that the AMA and the FDA are not always looking out for your best interests.
There is a lot of money that is being made by the medical, insurance and pharmaceutical companies all of which control what medical modalities you have access to.
And without turning this article into a 'rant' about how myopic the medical community is with regards to accepting other curative modalities, the bottom line is as stated that if there isn't any money to be made in using these modalities, then there isn't any interest in making sure you have access to more research and actual cures.
Since the early 1900s there have been several devices which were designed and utilized by researchers such as Rife, Beck and Dr.
Robert O Becker who discovered that certain frequencies and voltages had a direct impact on living tissue, and the pathogens that create a disease state.
What is not well understood by the medical profession is that our cells communicate with each other, electrical current is part of this process, and when this ability is lost the cell becomes vulnerable to disease.
An easy way to describe this is that when you're exposed to a frequency (which is a vibratory state) and in this case as electricity, the cells begin to vibrate at the same rate of the frequency that they are being exposed to.
For those that don't realize it, everything in the universe vibrates even though the object appears to be solid it is not.
And as stated, when exposed to a device that creates a vibratory state, whatever is being exposed to the vibration will begin to vibrate at that same rate.
Many of you have seen the example of an opera singer hitting a note, and then seeing a champagne glass shatter.
This is a perfect example of a frequency that is generated, and how it affects matter that begins to vibrate at the exact same frequency.
There have been many 'alternative' medical modalities which have been found to be very successful in treating disease in the past; but because of the way the medical profession has taken control they have been lost in time, that is until recently (the last decade or so).
True healing has been available for a long time in forms that some would call 'alternative', and the public has purposely been kept in the dark.
So if you want to get or stay healthy read everything you can obtain on a subject such as this, and educate yourself because knowledge is power.
If you want to purchase a quality device you have to be careful.
And you don't have to spend thousands to get a therapeutic precise high quality device.
Just make sure that the frequencies that the products claim to offer are digital and are produced by a crystal controlled microprocessor.
If you want to experiment with a cost-effective handheld device you can contact http://www.
They offer low-cost high quality devices.
The latest version in their line of devices is called the 'MY'.
The 'MY' produces 14 Clark Frequencies in the 1 kHz to 2.
5 kHz range and 53 of the most important Rife frequencies for a total of 66 frequencies.
This provides you the greatest flexibility and therapeutic frequency coverage.