How to Make a Shrinky Dink Poinsettia Plant
- 1). Go online and buy a package of Shrinky Dink sheets. There is a link to the Shrinky Dink online store below this article. You can check your local crafts stores first, but many of them don't carry Shrinky Dink paper.
- 2). Remove a Shrinky Dink sheet and place it rough side up. Lay the smooth side against your desk.
- 3). Use a red pencil crayon to draw an outline of a poinsettia. If you are not sure how to draw a poinsettia, you can place a picture of a poinsettia underneath your Shrinky Dink paper. Then just trace it. The paper is clear, so you will be able to trace the poinsettia with ease.
- 4). Color the poinsettia in with your pencil crayons. You will mostly use the red and green pencil crayons. If you want you can add some yellow circles in the middle.
- 5). Cut out the poinsettia with your scissors. Make sure you leave a clear space all the way around. This allows some room for the shrinkage.
- 6). Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
- 7). Place the Shrinky Dink poinsettia color side up on the cookie sheet.
- 8). Place the Shrinky Dink poinsettia in the oven for 60seconds and remove.
- 9). Allow to cool and then use.