Get Early Symptoms of Pregnancy
The feeling of being pregnant brings in lot of mixed emotions. It is a feeling of ecstasy that you are going to be a MUMMY!!! You will be playing and caring about a new small member in your family!!! Though the pregnancy starts from the first day of the last menstrual period, the would be mother feels the symptoms of pregnancy only after few weeks.
Morning sickness with or without vomiting can happen as soon as two weeks after conception. Morning sickness doesn't just happen in the morning. It can happen at any time of the day or night. When you become pregnant your body will produce more estrogen which will slow down digestion, causing food to sit in your stomach longer which may cause nausea and vomiting in some women.
Fatigue - This ranks high among the early symptoms of pregnancy. During the earliest stages of pregnancy, the hormone progesterone's level increases. In high sufficient amounts, progesterone makes a woman feel sleepy and at the same time, lowers blood pressure, lowers blood sugar levels and increases the production of blood - which team up to drain your energy.
Cramping, an early symptom of pregnancy occurs as your uterus enlarges to make room for newly implanted embryo. This embryo puts pressure over the walls of your uterus producing cramps. Cramping is also referred to as implantation bleeding. It happens when the egg, which is fertilized, attaches to the uterus lining and the latter inflates. These cramps are akin to the one that you get before your period.
You will need Yoga lessons that are fit to your body condition and to your pregnancy trimester. The pregnant woman can be helped in order to alleviate the negative and unpleasant early symptoms of pregnancy because Yoga can provide her with the necessary peace of mind and calm. She will become more able to prepare and stay fit for the delivery to come. The labor and the delivery are likely to be easier if you know hoe to maintain your body in the right condition during the pregnancy.
Another most common earliest pregnancy symptom is morning sickness. This symptom generally sets in after two weeks of conception. Sometimes it may take even 8 weeks to begin. Though most woman experience this pregnancy symptom still there are some woman who never had this nauseate feeling in their pregnancies.
If ever you have missed your menstrual periods then it is better to take extra ordinary care. It is the right time to start listening to your body. Once a woman misses her menstrual cycles then it is the sign that you are pregnant. This is a very first sign that points out that you may be pregnant. There are few women who report to experience few signs of pregnancy even before missing their menstrual periods.
The body's basal temperature (the lowest body temperature that happens during rest) begins to elevate after ovulation, and stays elevated beyond your next expected period. Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary and pushed down the fallopian tube and is ready to be fertilized by a sperm. The implantation of a fertilized egg normally takes place 6 to 12 days after ovulation - that's about two to three weeks before the next period is missed.