Babu English

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A disparaging term for a variety of South Asian English marked in speech and writing by indirectness, stylistic ornamentation, and extreme formality and politeness.

See also:


From the Bengali, a title of respect

Examples and Observations:

  • Sir,
    Being in much need and suffering many privations, I have after long time come to the determination to trouble your bounteous goodness. To my sorrow I have not the good friendships with many people hence my slow rate of progress and destitute state. Here on earth who have I but thee, and there is Our Father in heaven, needless to say that unless your milk of human kindness is showered on my sad state no other hope is left in this world.
    (example of Babu English in The Adventure of English, by Melvyn Bragg. Arcade, 2006)

  • "Babu English is the much caricatured flowery language of some moderately educated clerks and others, who are less proficient in formal English than they realise. Mehrotra (1982: 163n) provides some amusing examples of this register. He cites the case of the clerk who asked his employers for ten days' leave because 'the hand that rocked the cradle has kicked the bucket'; and of the job applicant's motivation, "I am bubbling with zeal and enthusiasm to serve as a research assistant.' These are mild in comparison to the babuisms in the following acknowledgment in an approved PhD thesis: 'I consider it to be my primordial obligation to humbly offer my deepest sense of gratitude to my most revered Garuji and untiring and illustrious guide professor . . . for the magnitude of his benevolence and eternal guidance.'

    "We must note, however, that these are mostly written examples, and may not reflect colloquial patterns. That is, Babu English is a genre or register, rather than a sociolect."
    (Rajend Mesthrie, English in Language Shift. Cambridge, 1992)

    Alternate Spellings: Baboo English
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