The Real Cost of Your Partner"s Snoring
If your partner snores, you'll be pleased to know that some new research gives you an excellent reason to complain about it.
The research, which was undertaken by the Centre for Research on Ageing and Gender at the University of Surrey, suggests that people whose partners snore can lose two years' of sleep in the course of a lifetime.
If you're unfortunate enough to sleep beside a snorer, you'll already know that snoring causes broken sleep, which can have a negative impact on your health and overall quality of life.
The research suggests that around 3.
5million people every night are woken regularly by their partner's snoring.
Those affected are thought to be mainly women and on average, they lose around an hour of sleep every night.
Chris Frost, head of medicines at Lloyds Pharmacy, calculated that those unlucky enough to sleep next to a snorer would lose around 15 days sleep every year.
Frost believes that most snorers are blissfully unaware of the problems that their snoring can cause.
He said: "Many snorers just don't realise how much they affect their partner's health and disrupt their sleep.
Worse still, they don't understand how dangerous snoring can be for their own health.
" Snoring can cause high blood pressure, as well as giving sufferers an increased risk of strokes and heart attacks.
The University of Surrey's Susan Venn found that despite the risks associated with snoring, many men she interviewed found it to be an acceptable part of life.
She also found that many of their wives had developed some rather elaborate ways of coping with the problem.
If you're the wife of a snorer, you'll find plenty of snoring remedies on the web.
However, if you can't face sewing a tennis ball into your husband's pyjamas or testing out any of the other traditional remedies, you'll be pleased to know that there are stop snoring clinics in Manchester and most other UK cities.
Source: Times
The research, which was undertaken by the Centre for Research on Ageing and Gender at the University of Surrey, suggests that people whose partners snore can lose two years' of sleep in the course of a lifetime.
If you're unfortunate enough to sleep beside a snorer, you'll already know that snoring causes broken sleep, which can have a negative impact on your health and overall quality of life.
The research suggests that around 3.
5million people every night are woken regularly by their partner's snoring.
Those affected are thought to be mainly women and on average, they lose around an hour of sleep every night.
Chris Frost, head of medicines at Lloyds Pharmacy, calculated that those unlucky enough to sleep next to a snorer would lose around 15 days sleep every year.
Frost believes that most snorers are blissfully unaware of the problems that their snoring can cause.
He said: "Many snorers just don't realise how much they affect their partner's health and disrupt their sleep.
Worse still, they don't understand how dangerous snoring can be for their own health.
" Snoring can cause high blood pressure, as well as giving sufferers an increased risk of strokes and heart attacks.
The University of Surrey's Susan Venn found that despite the risks associated with snoring, many men she interviewed found it to be an acceptable part of life.
She also found that many of their wives had developed some rather elaborate ways of coping with the problem.
If you're the wife of a snorer, you'll find plenty of snoring remedies on the web.
However, if you can't face sewing a tennis ball into your husband's pyjamas or testing out any of the other traditional remedies, you'll be pleased to know that there are stop snoring clinics in Manchester and most other UK cities.
Source: Times