Angel Fish
Well I Know everybody had a dog in their life time or a cat.
Because I moved around a bit and was out a lot I decided I would take up aquariums.
I purchased a fairly small tank in the beginning and added fresh water tropical fish, being angel fish as my favorite.
I decide later with success with a small tank and learning a bit more about aquariums I shopped around with the intention of expanding.
To my surprise I found a great store that actually was selling second hand aquariums and new supplies and picked up a good deal on a 150 gallon tank with a filter system that would match the capacity and took it home.
After carefully choosing a spot and a suitable frame to support the weight which you can figure 10 lbs per gallon I began filling up the tank with your ordinary tap water using a garden hose for convenience..
The filter system is one that rests on top edge of the glass and has a fountain effect so if you want it to be a little more quiet I suggest topping up your water level in your tank.
You can then introduced the gravel which you buy at any aquarium store and begin putting it in.
You can do this just before filling your tank or as you are in the process of filling at the beginning.
Plastic plants I like to use just for maintenance reasons and to give the Angel fish and environment so they have a place to hide if felt threatened by other Angel fish in the community as it is recommend to have 3 to start with, that way there is no one dominate Angle fish.
This also gives them refuge from any out side interference.
The temperature of the water can be around house hold temperature or a bit warmer and I would recommend a tank heater to keep it constant Having a floating thermometer I would also recommend in order to keep a quick eye on it.
After two or 3 days Is a good time period before introducing the fish into there new environment and lighting you would keep moderate and out of direct sun light.
Sit back and watch the soothing effect of your new friends.
Because I moved around a bit and was out a lot I decided I would take up aquariums.
I purchased a fairly small tank in the beginning and added fresh water tropical fish, being angel fish as my favorite.
I decide later with success with a small tank and learning a bit more about aquariums I shopped around with the intention of expanding.
To my surprise I found a great store that actually was selling second hand aquariums and new supplies and picked up a good deal on a 150 gallon tank with a filter system that would match the capacity and took it home.
After carefully choosing a spot and a suitable frame to support the weight which you can figure 10 lbs per gallon I began filling up the tank with your ordinary tap water using a garden hose for convenience..
The filter system is one that rests on top edge of the glass and has a fountain effect so if you want it to be a little more quiet I suggest topping up your water level in your tank.
You can then introduced the gravel which you buy at any aquarium store and begin putting it in.
You can do this just before filling your tank or as you are in the process of filling at the beginning.
Plastic plants I like to use just for maintenance reasons and to give the Angel fish and environment so they have a place to hide if felt threatened by other Angel fish in the community as it is recommend to have 3 to start with, that way there is no one dominate Angle fish.
This also gives them refuge from any out side interference.
The temperature of the water can be around house hold temperature or a bit warmer and I would recommend a tank heater to keep it constant Having a floating thermometer I would also recommend in order to keep a quick eye on it.
After two or 3 days Is a good time period before introducing the fish into there new environment and lighting you would keep moderate and out of direct sun light.
Sit back and watch the soothing effect of your new friends.