The Moby Dick Method of Penis Enlargement for Men Who Want Whale-Sized Sexual and Penis Size Results

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Moby-Dick (The Whale) was written by Herman Melville and was published in 1851.
It is considered to be one of the great classics of Western literature and incorporated interesting and creative usage of metaphors, symbology, all bound together in a highly-stylized, interesting, and glossy tale of whaling.
The character, Moby Dick, was based on a real whale whose name was Mocha Dick.
Mohca was a huge sperm whale that was supposedly killed in the late 1830s.
Mocha was considered to be absolutely gigantic in size and had a reputation for having incredible stamina, for being excessively strong, and he had a legendary reputation that no other whale, before or since, has ever equaled.
As Moby Dick was based on Mocha Dick, Moby also had these characteristics.
Especially his incredible and enormous size.
We can learn a lot from Mocha and Moby and apply this to penis enlargement.
In other words, we want to learn how to become gigantic in size, to possess incredible stamina and strength, and to create a reputation that is so incredible and unbelievable, that legends and amazing tales will be told of our immense size and abilities.
Gigantic Size - Size does matter, I think we all realize that.
Just think back to when you were at a party with a group of people and a man of immense size walked into the room.
What happened? Everyone stopped a moment and did a double take.
This is because someone of immense proportions gets your attention and gets your attention fast.
A gigantic penis is the same way.
When women see what you have and aren't expecting it, they typically gulp and say something like, "Oh my God...
" and will do more than a double take, that's for sure.
Incredible Stamina and Strength - Having a whale of a penis isn't going to be of much use unless you can actually utilize it properly and have the stamina to back up the "goods.
" It's like these guys driving expensive sports cars in the slow lane and bottlenecking traffic or the guy with the tricked out off-road vehicle that he's never actually taken off of the road.
Or like the guitarist who has the most impressive and expensive guitar you can buy, but can't play to save his life.
Just having a big penis is impressive, yes, but if you don't have the ability or stamina to utilize all of its full potential, you're going to look a bit foolish.
Having a big penis entails having the responsibility to use it properly and for as long as is required.
The Stuff of Legends - It's no secret that men who have large penises, at least once the word gets out, are overwhelmed by women who are interested in trying them out for "size.
" Just look at the exploits of John Holmes and Wilt Chamberlain and the thousands upon thousands of women who experienced their sexual charms and massive size, and it's easy to understand how legends like this are made and born.
Men who do wish to possess these sexual characteristics should be advised that it is possible.
However, again, with such immense size and potential, there is a responsibility that comes with it.
Again, a gigantic penis is great, but you better have the stamina and strength to do more than "talk the talk," especially if legends about you already abound.
So, how do we go about creating all of these great penile attributes? Penile Stamina and Strength are easier to obtain than most men realize.
One key factor is to get your cardiovascular system in shape, as this is the foundation of your penile and sexual stamina and strength.
So, creating a strong heart and blood supply is paramount.
This can easily be done through "cardio" workouts, as they are called.
Things like running, swimming, walking, and utilizing a rowing machine are all great methods.
Strengthening the penile potential can also be done through increasing the strength of the pubococcygeus muscles (PC Muscles).
There are dozens of variations on how to increase your penile and sexual strength through the targeting of such muscles.
One way to find your own PC Muscles is to stop urinating in mid-flow.
You will feel a contraction in your perineum (anal region), pelvis, and penis.
The perineal contraction you feel is your PC Muscles contracting.
Simply practicing starting and stopping urinating is a simple method to target these muscles and is believed by the Tantrists to strengthen your kidneys, too.
Enlarging your Penis is also possible for the man who wants Moby Dick proportions.
While there are many options available for men to enlarge themselves, the best methods are via extenders, penis exercises, and weights (hanging), as these methods actually physically target the penile tissues to encourage their growth.
Our experience and research clearly showed us that Penis Exercises are the way to really increase the size of your penis.
There are a lot of reasons for this: Firstly, such exercises do target the physical aspect of the penis to increase its size.
Pills, creams, and patches don't introduce any sort of physical energy into enlarging a man's penis.
Secondly, a man is able to utilize his own hands to create his enlargement gains.
This hands-on approach means that a man will have better control over his enlargement results.
In fact, there is no other method of penis enlargement that is this "intimate" and which makes the man the main factor in enlargement success.
Thirdly, exercises are easy enough to learn and are safe.
Other methods of enlargement that are "physical" in origin can employ devices that can be dangerous.
Utilizing such methods are an easy and inexpensive way for men to get the attributes of a "Moby Dick" for his penis, in terms of size, stamina, strength, and to help him reach that legendary status.
Georg von Neumann
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