How to Increase the pH in Swimming Pools
- 1). Determine how much soda ash you need. For a 1,000-gallon pool, use 3/4 oz. if pH is within 7 to 7.2, 1.25 oz. if pH is within 6.6 to 7, and 1.5 oz. if pH is less than 6.7 For a 5,000-gallon pool, use 4 ounces if pH is within 7 to 7.2, 6 oz. if pH is within 6.6 to 7, and 8 oz. if pH is under 6.6. For any amount over these values, divide the approximate volume of your pool by 1,000 gallons or 5,000 gallons and multiply the resulting ratio by the amounts provided to figure out how much soda ash you should add. Never add more than 2 pounds per 10,000 gallons at any one time.
- 2). Mix the soda ash with water in the bucket. If you're adding a large amount of soda ash (1/2 lb. or more), divide it between buckets.
- 3). Turn on the pool pump if it's not already.
- 4). Walk around the pool perimeter while pouring the soda ash solution into the pool water. Keep the pump on for a couple hours after adding soda ash and do not permit anyone to use the pool until the following day. Add soda ash in the evening so that the pool will be ready for use by the next day.
- 5). Allow the soda ash a couple hours to circulate throughout the pool, then retest pH to determine whether any further correction is needed.