The Chrysalis Teachings Will Instigate a Leap Forward in Evolution

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Chrysalis is a state of expectation.
It is similar to that period of waiting while in the mother's womb to begin a new life.
This comparison of Chrysalis to a babe in the womb puts the progress of humanity at the same comparative level in their progress towards a new life, which will be as the opening of the door to understanding.
They are at the instinct level of comprehension as far as sensing that which the next stage will bring.
Humanity is trying to correct a very complicated makeup with simple tools and it cannot be done.
It is to be compared to digging up a football field with a teaspoon to the level of one foot deep.
It is an impossible job with no end in sight.
To be able to understand the tools needed they must first understand their complicated makeup.
The Chrysalis Teachings by Norma Hickox are guidelines leading into the new society.
They will help in all areas of restructuring behavior and give day to day help for each.
No church will be involved.
The Chrysalis Teachings will stand alone on the basis of their integrity as the common-sense replacement for past authority figures.
The purpose of The Chrysalis Teachings is to explain things in simple language and terms, and show misinterpreted teachings.
The first part of the teachings is the designing of the human being, the second part is the stage of the new creation that he is in and the psychological path of the brain, the third part will be the Science of Music which will enable the sub-atomic particles to evolve to the next stage, that of the eighth universe.
At this time humanity will take a huge leap forward in evolution, one of the quantum leaps.
And the Chrysalis Teachings will have been the instigator of this quantum leap.
Does this bring it home as to how important these teachings are? Four Guidelines of the Teachings 1.
The spiritual search must be an individual one.
What is one person's truth will not necessarily be another person's truth.
There is a wealth of material out there, some good, some mediocre, some bad.
All of it has its place and will reach exactly the right people at the right time as they will search until they find what feels right to them.
The Chrysalis Teachings are some of the best material coming through as they are written in an easy to understand manner.
Getting rid of preset ideas such as old out-dated thought forms from previous religious training is probably the most difficult stage and naturally must be the first stage.
One of the best aids in searching for your true history is the knowledge stored inside your own being.
The best way to help yourself is to read and study all you can about contacting the center of your own being, or attend classes if any are held in your area.
Philosophy is a gathering together of the thinking processes of many great humans over a period of time.
Spiritual Truths pull thoughts and concepts out of the center of your being.
Philosophy is considered exoteric education; Spiritual Truths would be esoteric education, which is the direction all education must take in the future.
All the Master Teachers from the seventh plane and higher are making an attempt to bring through the true teachings for the good of all humanity.
They are doing this by opening up channels of light on the earth plane who can then be used as transmitters to bring the teachings into earth language and understanding as far as what is known and experienced and used on the higher planes.
Each of these master teachers will eventually take up permanent residence in the body of the individual who is their transmitter.
When this takes place there will be an organized movement on the earth plane as far as teaching these truths.
The New Millennium Notebooks, based on the Chrysalis Teachings, are divided into 3 sections: Windows on the Past, Journeys in the Present and Pathways to the Future.
Each of these three sections also fall into 3 categories: a preparatory stage, a physical growth stage and a spiritual growth stage.
This gives a broad look at where we came from, where we are now and where we are supposed to be heading.
In Windows on the Past we gain insight into the large unending universe.
We learn how it all began starting with an inside look at the "big bang.
" From here we progress to a look at the Creator's mind and follow the birth and development (creation and evolution) of galaxies, solar systems, planets and the different kingdoms including humans.
We are also given a sense of where all should be progressed to by this time.
In Journeys in the Present we are told of help that is available to us for our search on the spiritual path.
We are encouraged to look at our attitudes, learn how to determine our goals and also how to "pay back" for our misdeeds of the past (karma).
We also learn of the soul and its path through eternity, including reincarnation.
We become aware of what happens after physical death of the body and where and how we spend our time between lives on earth.
In Pathways to the Future much is given on ways to restructure our society that would help people move forward in their spiritual quest.
We are also told of the Science of Music which can be applied to seven sciences to enhance and enrich our lives in many ways.
Included in this material are plans for a new solar energy system, new schools designed to open the creative channel in very young children, a new blood test machine, a healing machine, new ways to grow more and better crops, a centrally located water reservoir for the country and much more.
Vibratory Charts are explained and their importance to our health and also to the new technology is discussed.
Finally we look at SunScience and learn that splitting the atom is wrong; that the way of the future is in expanding the atom.
The Chrysalis Teachings from which the Science of Music is drawn were prophesied in the Alice Bailey books approximately 65 years ago.
Following are excerpts from two of these books showing the nature of the prophecies and their relationship to the technology given in the Science of Music as follows: The teachings that are to precede and condition the New Age or the Aquarian Age fall into three categories: 1.
Preparatory, given 1875-90...
written down by Helen Blavatsky 2.
Intermediate, given 1919-49...
written down by Alice Bailey 3.
Revelatory, emerging after 1975...
to be given on a worldwide scale via the radio.
The teachings which Alice Bailey gave out were intermediate in nature, just as those given by Helen Blavatsky were preparatory.
(I believe #3 relates to the Chrysalis Teachings (The Science of Music is part of the Chrysalis Teachings).
The word internet could replace radio.
The following is from the book "Serving Humanity," by Alice Bailey circa 1934, in Chapter 107 "Transmission of Teachings" on page 450: In the next century, and early in the century, an initiate will appear and will carry on this teaching.
It will be under the same "impression," (Djwhal Khul) for my task is not yet completed, and this series of bridging treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates, has still another phase to run.
From the book, "Ponder on This," by Alice Bailey circa 1934 in Chapter 138 "Prophecies" on page 321, we find the following paragraphs: #2.
It might be noted here that three great discoveries are imminent and during the next two generations will revolutionize modern thought and life.
One is the releasing of the energy of the atom, the second is the effect of color on people, animals and units in the vegetable kingdom leading to the development of etheric vision and the third development, which will be the last probably to take place will grow out of the study of sound and the effect of sound and will put into man's hands a tremendous instrument in the world of creation..
One hint only may I give here, and that is, that the release of energy in the atom is linked to this new coming science of sound.
(I believe the third development to be the Science of Music given in the Chrysalis Teachings.
) #4.
* Color can destroy just as it can heal; sound can disrupt just as it can bring about cohesion; in these two thoughts lie hid the next step ahead for the science of the immediate future.
(I've been told that the technology for the solar project given in the Science of Music could be used for destruction if it falls into the wrong hands.
) * The laws of vibration are going to be widely studied and comprehended.
(I think this relates to the Vibratory Charts also given in the Science of Music.
) * Music will be largely employed in construction and in one hundred years from now, it will be a feature in certain work of a constructive nature.
This sounds to you utterly impossible, but it will simply be the utilization of ordered sound to achieve certain ends.
(I believe this relates to the Science of Architecture and the material I've been given about moving very heavy objects by sound.
) #10.
* A great discovery in relation to the use of light, by the power and the directive agency of thought will come at the end of this century, or the beginning of the next.
Two small children - one living in this country (U.
) and one in India (I was born in the USA in 1931 and would have been 3 years old at the time this was written.
The one from India I'm not sure of.
) will work out a formula along scientific lines, which will fill in some of the existing gaps in the scale of light vibration, carrying on from the high frequency rays and waves as you now have them.
This will necessitate instruments hitherto undreamt of, but really quite possible.
They will be so sensitive that they will be set in motion by the power of the human eye, under the focused direction of thought.
From then on tangible rapport with the spirit world will be possible.
I cannot do more than give you the clue.
* The great scientific discovery, called colloquially the "splitting of the atom," will be turned eventually to the production of those conditions which will enable mankind to follow the good, the beautiful and the true.
Many scientists today are not only visioning the non-destructive aspect of atomic energy, but are already engaged in harnessing - for the good of humanity - some of its products and its radioactive properties.
(The solar energy project given in the Science of Music.
) Curiously enough, it is the wise, controlled use of the results of this scientific adventure in connection with the atomic bomb, which will eventually bring about a specific revelation of the nature of certain forces in relation to light; this event will transform world thinking, and lead to a new type of transmutative process, as far as man is concerned.
(The evolution of light and expanding the atom given in the Chrysalis Teachings.
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