How to Greet the Pope
- 1). Dress appropriately, regardless of your views on dress codes and personal liberty.
- 2). Choose a dark suit for a private or semiprivate audience with the pope, if you're a man.
- 3). Select a dress that covers your shoulders and reaches near your knees, if you're a woman. Dress pants are acceptable these days, but were not in earlier times.
- 4). Addressing the pope by letter, one writes to His Holiness, the Pope or His Holiness Pope __________, Vatican City, 00817 Rome, Italy.
- 5). Use the following salutation: Your Holiness or Most Holy Father.
- 6). Say "Your Holiness" or "Most Holy Father" when speaking directly to the pontiff, no matter what your religious affiliation.
- 7). Listen to the pope's assistants for instructions on where to stand in the audience room.
- 8). Make a low bow, or go down on one knee, when being presented to the pontiff. Once again, disregard your religious affiliation.
- 9). Take the pope's right hand and kiss his ring if you're a Catholic.
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Take and shake the pope's right hand if you're not a Catholic.