How to Do Pelvic Floor Exercises for Men
This gland is all encompassing the urethra and produces around 30% of the clear fluid that is made of seminal fluid.
The location of your parts is important if you are to know how to do pelvic floor exercises for men, otherwise you wouldn't know what you're exercising, and it would be the same as jogging for 2 hours and expecting bigger biceps see this is the reality of knowing where the body parts are located.
Age leads to the prostate gland growing; a lot of things happen to us when we age, things sag, things shrink and the prostate grows which can cause troubles and health problems for many men down the line.
A large inconvenience to this is going back to your toilet training days.
If you do not remember how that felt or how it was to train your kids, you will now.
You'll have the urge to urinate a lot at night and may be woken up and lose sleep over this issue; this is how it starts for most men.
The worst part is that usually it won't even be a large amount of liquid that you need to urinate, most likely it will be a little dribble.
What scares most men would be when they see blood coming out, that is when a trip to the doctor will be a more telling story.
So our purpose is to perform kegel and pelvic floor exercises for men and we'll slowly ease you into this.
First you should have found where you PC muscle is for your kegel exercises, finding it is really easy, the next time you urinate try to stop the flow of urine; that's your PC muscle and the muscle we will work on.
Lie down on the floor, take deep breaths and clench rapidly and repeatedly for 10 seconds, taking necessary breaks when needed.
This is basically the extent of floor exercises for men; in fact the only reason to do these exercises on a floor is because it prepares you for the lateral coital position, which has the man on the bottom and the woman on top.
This position allows the woman to control the flow, allows the man to control his PC muscles and to alleviate premature ejaculation.
The lateral coital position while not one of the most glamourous positions to talk about is one of the best positions that not only deals with the issues of premature ejaculation but heightens the experience for both partners; it is one of the few positions that give as much as it takes.