How to Treat Mouth Yeast Infection: A Few Tips and Tricks For Curing Candida
Thrush is a yeast infection on the mouth caused by caused by the candida fungus.
Thrush typically affects people with weak immune systems, like babies, toddlers and older adults.
Thrush is caused by the increase in candida fungus.
Candida is usually found in the skin, mouth and digestive track of people, but is regulated by bacteria and other microorganisms in the body.
A decrease in the amount of bacteria causes an increase in the amount of yeast, and this imbalance causes thrush.
Its symptoms include lesions in the mouth, tongue, inner cheeks, gums or tonsils.
These lesions are known to spread to the esophagus causing pain or difficulty in swallowing.
Here are a few tips and tricks on how to treat mouth yeast infection or thrush.
Eat garlic.
Garlic has a natural anti-fungal ingredient called ajoene.
Eat yogurt.
The live acidophilus culture in yogurt can help treat mouth yeast infection by adding to the good bacteria that could fight off the yeast.
Gargle with tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil is proven to be effective in killing bacteria and fungus.
Add a teaspoon of tea tree oil to half a cup of water.
Gargle with this four times a day.
Gargle with apple cider vinegar.
The acidity of the vinegar can help fight the yeast, and thus help treat mouth yeast infection.
Put one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in half a cup of warm water.
Gargle with this four times a day.
Avoid carbs and sweets.
Sugar and carbohydrates help the candida fungus to reproduce.
Thrush typically affects people with weak immune systems, like babies, toddlers and older adults.
Thrush is caused by the increase in candida fungus.
Candida is usually found in the skin, mouth and digestive track of people, but is regulated by bacteria and other microorganisms in the body.
A decrease in the amount of bacteria causes an increase in the amount of yeast, and this imbalance causes thrush.
Its symptoms include lesions in the mouth, tongue, inner cheeks, gums or tonsils.
These lesions are known to spread to the esophagus causing pain or difficulty in swallowing.
Here are a few tips and tricks on how to treat mouth yeast infection or thrush.
Eat garlic.
Garlic has a natural anti-fungal ingredient called ajoene.
Eat yogurt.
The live acidophilus culture in yogurt can help treat mouth yeast infection by adding to the good bacteria that could fight off the yeast.
Gargle with tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil is proven to be effective in killing bacteria and fungus.
Add a teaspoon of tea tree oil to half a cup of water.
Gargle with this four times a day.
Gargle with apple cider vinegar.
The acidity of the vinegar can help fight the yeast, and thus help treat mouth yeast infection.
Put one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in half a cup of warm water.
Gargle with this four times a day.
Avoid carbs and sweets.
Sugar and carbohydrates help the candida fungus to reproduce.