A Miracle Vitamin, Niacin
By the way, niacin and nicotinic acid are in fact inter-changeable terms for exactly the same B-complex miraclevitamin.
Niacin is metabolised by your body and the result is niacinamide.
Now pay very close attention here, It is niacinamide that is useful as a nutrient for your body, and it is niacin, not the niacinamide, that lowers your bad high cholesterol.
That distinction is important, because the cholesterol lowering action, is understood to occur at the time of metabolism from niacin to niacinamide in your liver.
Niacin was discovered in 1917,and that it's deficiency as a nutrient caused a condition that is now well known as pellagra.
Be aware that as with all vitamins, the amount recommended for the general population, may we repeat,for the general population is based on levels necessary to prevent a deficiency.
Therefore, in terms of niacin, a daily dosage of 20 milligrams will prevent pellagra, and that is the level set as the "RDA" for the population of the USA.
It was Dr.
Altschul, in 1955, who discovered that niacin has the remarkable ability of lowering bad high cholesterol.
His patients received three grams daily, which is way above and beyond the U.
"RDA", and the results were superb,excellent and beyond expectations.
Further research by 1962 discovered a niacin bonus, that niacin not only reduced cholesterol levels,LDL cholesterol, it also effectively lowered triglyceride levels.
And better yet, it raised the protective HDL levels, the good cholesterol, in the blood.
In 1975, the Coronary Drug Project, demonstrated a surprise of surprises, that niacin alonewas responsible for a fantastic 29 percent reduction in non-fatal heart attacks.
Take a slow deep breath and imagine that for a moment.
Yes indeed, truth has a way of outing, doesn't it? And as if truth was on a roll, and from Scandinavia, a comprehensive study in a Swedish university revealed that risk factors for heart disease were very significantly reduced in patients receiving niacin.
Niacin's actions for reducing the risk factors for heart disease arise out of the fact that, niacin has a strong effect on your body's production of hormone-like chemicals, called prostaglandins, such as PGI2 that are vitalto numerous body functions, and niacin increases their production.
PGI2 is critical to blood platelet aggregation, and without sufficient PGI2, your blood has a tendency to clot.
So, the greater the chances of tendency to clot, the greater the risk of vascular occlusion, a risk factor for heart disease,do you see.
Niacin increases the production of PGI2, and therefore prevents the possible tendency of blood to clot.
Remember thatcholesterol is manufactured by your liver.
Fortunately, that is precisely the place where niacin exerts its remarkable actions.
It is understood that niacin's unique actions do lower VLDL, thevery low density lipoprotein, by way of decreasing it's production by the liver.
Now pay close attention, since the worst offender,LDL cholesterol or the low density lipoprotein, relies on VLDL for it's production, and niacin lowers VLDL to begin with, therefore, the LDL levels in the blood automatically drop, lowering your high cholesterol naturally.
There is more that you ought to know about this miracle vitamin niacin and it's very unique abilities to assist you in your determined pursuit for better health.
Be sure to visit http://www.
org a popular lowering cholesterol website that provides you useable tips and resources, and what superfoods and diet recipes reduce bad cholesterol.
As a visitor to this site, you get a free e-book on superfoods.
Niacin is metabolised by your body and the result is niacinamide.
Now pay very close attention here, It is niacinamide that is useful as a nutrient for your body, and it is niacin, not the niacinamide, that lowers your bad high cholesterol.
That distinction is important, because the cholesterol lowering action, is understood to occur at the time of metabolism from niacin to niacinamide in your liver.
Niacin was discovered in 1917,and that it's deficiency as a nutrient caused a condition that is now well known as pellagra.
Be aware that as with all vitamins, the amount recommended for the general population, may we repeat,for the general population is based on levels necessary to prevent a deficiency.
Therefore, in terms of niacin, a daily dosage of 20 milligrams will prevent pellagra, and that is the level set as the "RDA" for the population of the USA.
It was Dr.
Altschul, in 1955, who discovered that niacin has the remarkable ability of lowering bad high cholesterol.
His patients received three grams daily, which is way above and beyond the U.
"RDA", and the results were superb,excellent and beyond expectations.
Further research by 1962 discovered a niacin bonus, that niacin not only reduced cholesterol levels,LDL cholesterol, it also effectively lowered triglyceride levels.
And better yet, it raised the protective HDL levels, the good cholesterol, in the blood.
In 1975, the Coronary Drug Project, demonstrated a surprise of surprises, that niacin alonewas responsible for a fantastic 29 percent reduction in non-fatal heart attacks.
Take a slow deep breath and imagine that for a moment.
Yes indeed, truth has a way of outing, doesn't it? And as if truth was on a roll, and from Scandinavia, a comprehensive study in a Swedish university revealed that risk factors for heart disease were very significantly reduced in patients receiving niacin.
Niacin's actions for reducing the risk factors for heart disease arise out of the fact that, niacin has a strong effect on your body's production of hormone-like chemicals, called prostaglandins, such as PGI2 that are vitalto numerous body functions, and niacin increases their production.
PGI2 is critical to blood platelet aggregation, and without sufficient PGI2, your blood has a tendency to clot.
So, the greater the chances of tendency to clot, the greater the risk of vascular occlusion, a risk factor for heart disease,do you see.
Niacin increases the production of PGI2, and therefore prevents the possible tendency of blood to clot.
Remember thatcholesterol is manufactured by your liver.
Fortunately, that is precisely the place where niacin exerts its remarkable actions.
It is understood that niacin's unique actions do lower VLDL, thevery low density lipoprotein, by way of decreasing it's production by the liver.
Now pay close attention, since the worst offender,LDL cholesterol or the low density lipoprotein, relies on VLDL for it's production, and niacin lowers VLDL to begin with, therefore, the LDL levels in the blood automatically drop, lowering your high cholesterol naturally.
There is more that you ought to know about this miracle vitamin niacin and it's very unique abilities to assist you in your determined pursuit for better health.
Be sure to visit http://www.
org a popular lowering cholesterol website that provides you useable tips and resources, and what superfoods and diet recipes reduce bad cholesterol.
As a visitor to this site, you get a free e-book on superfoods.