How do I Restore a Super Maid Cookware Waffle Maker?
- 1). Prepare a kettle or pan of water by adding 2 tbsp. of cream of tartar for each quart of water. Immerse the two pieces of the waffle iron, after separating them if possible, in the water, but try to protect the wood handles. Simmer for about 10 minutes.
- 2). Scrub the outside of the base and top pieces with fine steel wool or a fine emery cloth to remove baked-on residue. An abrasive cleanser may assist to remove stubborn spots and stains.
- 3). Rinse all the cleaning materials from the waffle iron and polish it with an automobile polishing cream or compound. The final polish should restore the aluminum to a near perfect finish.
- 4). Prepare a waffle batter to test the waffle iron. To a small amount of batter, about a cup, add several tablespoonfuls of cooking oil. Preheat the waffle iron on a hot burner and pour in the oily batter. Allow it to bake until done, remove the waffle and discard it. If the surfaces are adequately seasoned, the waffle will come out easily. If not, continue cooking one oily waffle after another until the last one releases quickly.
Cleaning and Restoring