Installation Instructions for Metal Siding
- 1). Check the surface to make certain it is smooth and even. If there is any indentation in the wall surface, install furring strips to even out the surface. Check with a level to make certain the surface is even and flat. Remove all downspouts.
- 2). Caulk around all window and door openings. Nail up trim pieces first around all windows and doors. Use J channel pieces. Install tops first, then sides and finish by installing the bottom channels.
- 3). Position posts at each corner. Drive two nails in the top slots and let the post hang. Check for plumb -- if the post is hanging straight vertically -- then nail it into place every foot or so. If you need to stack the posts, place the top post over the bottom one by an inch or so.
- 4). Snap a chalk line along the bottom of the wall, at least eight inches off the ground. Check to make certain the first board is level, or straight, across the bottom of the wall. Align the upper edge of the starter strip along the chalk line and nail it into place every six inches. Leave 1/8-inch gap between the starter strip and the corner post to allow for expansion.
- 1). Fit the first panel into the starter strip and hook the bottom of the panel into place on the strip. Check again to make certain the board is straight across the wall and that is its corners are square -- perpendicular to the house. Make certain the panel is locked continuously along the bottom before nailing.
- 2). Insert nails through the factory-slotted holes every 16 to 24 inches along the entire length of the panel. Nails should be inserted straight into the wall, not at an angle, and should not be driven in all the way. The panels should hang from the nail, not be nailed tightly.
- 3). Overlap panels when needed. Try to position these overlaps as far away from the wall's focal point as possible, and stagger the joints. Overlap panels by 1/2-inch to 5/8-inch. Slip a backer tab behind the first panel with its flat side out to ensure an even seal. Nail the backer tab into place.
- 4). Trim panels as needed to fit around windows and doors. Cut the panels with either a circular saw or tin snips. Fit the panels into the J-channels and then nail into place.
- 5). Complete one wall at a time. When turning a corner, nail up a piece of furring strip to show where the second course begins and line up the panels on the new wall level with that strip.
Hang the Panels