Definition: to quote, cite; to use as an example; summon (law)
M Merault a dit, et je cite : « ... » - Mr. Merault said, and I quote, "..."
Mon prof m'a cité pour ma créativité - My teacher held me up as an example of creativity.
L'accusé va être cité demain - The accused will be summoned tomorrow.
Related: une citation - quote
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [see tay]
M Merault a dit, et je cite : « ... » - Mr. Merault said, and I quote, "..."
Mon prof m'a cité pour ma créativité - My teacher held me up as an example of creativity.
L'accusé va être cité demain - The accused will be summoned tomorrow.
Related: une citation - quote
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [see tay]