An 8" Erection Fast - Is it Really Possible? 4 Methods For a Longer, Thicker Penis Naturally

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Are you unhappy with your penis size? Things might not be as bad as you think.
The average penis size is approximately 5-7 inches, so if you fall into that category then you're the same size as most men.
However if you're 5 inches or smaller, you may be worried that your penis isn't big enough to satisfy your partner.
There are various ways you can get a longer, thicker penis, and in this article we will look at just a few of those to establish which is the fastest and most effective method.
Penis Extender The extender is one of the more effective methods (works by stretching the penis resulting in new tissue growth).
It is a small device that must be attached to your penis for at least few hours per day.
The recommendation is that the extender be used regularly for several months and it can cost anything between $200-$400.
Although the traction device is said to be reasonably comfortable and discreet to wear, it is still a time consuming process.
Penis Enlargement Exercise The main principle of penis exercise is to improve blood circulation within the erectile tissue - it is important to understand that blood flow into the penis chambers can lead to increase in penis erection and length.
The theory is that if your erectile tissues can hold more blood flow then the chances of a larger, wider penis are greater.
Now if you apply the proper exercise technique (such as jelqing, kegels or others) for long enough then you may get noticeable results.
Most men buy a penis exercise program online and use it for 20-40 minutes a day for a number of months.
Weight Hanging The theory when using weights is the dangling weight will stretch the erectile tissue (similar to the extender) - force is being applied to the penis area and the results will depend on your bodily ability to cope and adapt to such an influence.
The application of tension and force to the erectile tissue will eventually divide and multiply your cells in the penis area.
This process usually means you add mass to your penis area.
While it can be effective, using weights can cause damage if they are not used properly.
Herbal Penis Enlargement Pills The penis pill contains safe, natural herbal ingredients that are very effective for male enhancement (increase size as well as giving longer lasting, stronger erections and better orgasms).
As there are so many pill products available advice is that you do a bit of research before you make your choice (beware the scams - not all products work well).
Look out for a top selling company, preference should be given to a product that has been recommended for safe consumption and approved by the FDA (Food Drug Administration).
A good tip is to check previous users testimonials and reviews to clarify your likely result outcomes after using such a product.
Most reputable companies offer a full money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.
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