Recommended Diets for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease that causes the immune system to attack healthy joints and causes pain, inflammation and fatigue.
- Symptoms of the disease can begin with a high fever, rash, fatigue, and pain and inflammation in the joints.
- JRA is treated through medication that reduces inflammation throughout the body, as well as physical therapy and exercise.
- Certain foods may help reduce inflammation and increase the health of the child. Vegetables, fruits and whole starches can help keep the immune system strong. It is also recommended to limit animal products and excess fat.
- Certain foods may increase inflammation and make the JRA sufferer feel worse. This includes tomatoes, as well as foods within the "nightshade" group, like potatoes, eggplant, and red and green peppers.
JRA Basics
JRA Symptoms
Recommended Diet
Foods to avoid