Top 5 Best Android Apps of All the Time
Android is an operating system for smartphones, tablets, and net books.
But the actual meaning of the Android is a robot that is developed to look and act like humans.
Presently Android Operating system is the most used mobile operating system with over 33% of its share in the smart phone market in 2010.
These statistics explains us the entire story of how important role the Android phones are playing in human day-to-day life.
With over 12 million lines code, android operating system is the integration of Java, XML, C, C++ languages.
Being such an important and crazy product, Android's have crossed the Symbian, Blackberry OS in 2010 statistics, as a result the concentration was now shifted to Android phone and many official as well as private developers were deeply involved in developing the best Android apps for Android phone.
Here are the must have best Android apps for your Android phone.
Top 5 Best Android Apps Below is the list of top 5 best Android apps of all the time.
There is no way that we can include all the apps in our best android apps post.
This is mainly focused on utility and price they offer.
Phone Halo Protect:
But the actual meaning of the Android is a robot that is developed to look and act like humans.
Presently Android Operating system is the most used mobile operating system with over 33% of its share in the smart phone market in 2010.
These statistics explains us the entire story of how important role the Android phones are playing in human day-to-day life.
With over 12 million lines code, android operating system is the integration of Java, XML, C, C++ languages.
Being such an important and crazy product, Android's have crossed the Symbian, Blackberry OS in 2010 statistics, as a result the concentration was now shifted to Android phone and many official as well as private developers were deeply involved in developing the best Android apps for Android phone.
Here are the must have best Android apps for your Android phone.
Top 5 Best Android Apps Below is the list of top 5 best Android apps of all the time.
There is no way that we can include all the apps in our best android apps post.
This is mainly focused on utility and price they offer.
Phone Halo Protect:
- Phone Halo Protect is our first choice in best Android apps section that keeps the track of mobile, protects it, and helps us to recover the lost data.
- It consists of Bluetooth device as it works on it when Mobile is lost.
It uses the GPS system to recover the stuff. - The 3 main basic works of this application is Protect, Locate and Recover.
- This is a paid application, you can buy this application from official website
- The Titanium Backup is ultimate backup tool, that can backup and restore all applications, data, market links, what not it just gives another life for your Android phone.
- Titanium Backup is available in both Paid as well as Free version.
Paid version will provide you faster experience and most reliable restore options. - It costs around 5.
99$ which is really a cheaper option for your Mobile backup.
You can view the official page for more information. - One of the best Android apps that you must download.
- Nimbuzz is a free IM client, that enables the Chat with our Online friends from Google Talk, Yahoo, Windows Live Messenger, Skype, Facebook, AIM, Myspace and many more.
- Its helps us to view friends who is online, status messages, avatars, notifications and many more when your background is running.
- Its a free application, that always gives you the feel that you are having mini computer in your hand.
This is really a recommended tool for web freaks.
You can download it here.
- WordPress for Android phone is an Open Source Application that which lets you to experience the power of WordPress in your android mobile.
- This enables you to write new posts, edit content, and manage comments with built-in notifications.
What not, you can have maximum experience of your WordPress blogging platform on your Android mobile. - Its a free application and you can download it from official website.
- It is a must have apps that comes in our top 5 best Android apps
- Ultimate FavsPro is a best Android apps under utility section lets you to organize many things in a graphical manner on your Android phone.
With this application organizing becomes really easy and you will have a great experience. - This is the free Android apps, you can download it from the official site.