A Word from the Bible: Praying for You
It's funny. Last week I was feeling all lost and slightly depressed over the fact that I had nothing to really contribute for my Friday columns.
Well, that was last week. Since then, my eyes have been opened up a bit.
Much is made of Christianity and how people who subscribe to religion are weak minded followers who can't think for themselves.. The people that say these things also tend to categorize faith as something else, something not connected with God or any form of religion. These same people go around preaching that religious types need to learn to be more tolerant of the non religious types, even while chastising and criticizing us for believing in something other than ourselves.
So, I have a few things I want to say.
Why is it that believing in God and having faith in Him makes me weak? What is it about my faith that makes you scared? Oh yes, I said scared. Why else do people lash out so violently against Christians? Because they're scared of us. Because they don't understand. They don't understand what it means to believe in something you can't see or touch or prove with any of man's rules. And that scares them. Or it makes them jealous. Maybe they wish they could believe like that, but don't know how and are too scared to ask for help. Hey, look at that, we came back to scared. Interesting.
Our forefathers may have come to America to escape religious persecution, but let's face it, our God is a jealous God and if you don't believe in him, you're out. I can be tolerant of other religions, nonbelievers and whatnot, but at the end of the day I know you guys aren't going end up in the same place as me. I don't mean that I'm better than you, but by the grace of my Lord, I'm allowed to go Heaven and you know what? You can go there to, all you have to do is give yourself over to Him and accept Him into your life and believe in Him completely. Now, am I going door-to-door shoving this in people's faces and trying to save souls? No. That's not what I feel I've been called to do. I am, however, getting up on my soapbox every week and sharing a piece of my mind. Don't worry, there's plenty to go around.
Look, I'm tired of people having to apologize for their beliefs and opinions. I'm not going to. Everyone else gets away with blasting their self-righteous, arrogant, pompous opinions across the blogosphere and the world in general. Well, if they can do it and be praised and lauded for it, so can I. I don't care if my opinion is not shared by the general populous of today.
Look, you want to sit there and subscribe to your little religion of Why and Man Can Do It Better, knock yourself out. There's not likely anything I can say that will change your mind. You're probably going to need to be hit upside the head like Paul was. Remember him? Formally known as Saul, went around persecuting Christians like it was his favorite thing to do in the world, which it probably was. Then one day, God said enough was enough and knocked the guy off his donkey and blinded him until he saw things God's way. Paul ended up writing a couple of books in the Bible. Our God can be a vengeful God too.
Does this make me weak? That I believe in this? That I believe in God? Of course not. It makes me stronger. Am I blinding following something? Well, kind of. That's part of what it means to be a Christian and to believe in God. It's supposed to be a blind faith in Him. I don't know why that is, but that's the way it is. You don't like it, fine. But don't be scared of me or jealous of me. It's not worth wasting your time.
So I'm not worried, you go on ahead, live your life, feel free to check back here as often you'd like, or not. Don't worry, I'll pray for you.
See everybody next week.
Well, that was last week. Since then, my eyes have been opened up a bit.
Much is made of Christianity and how people who subscribe to religion are weak minded followers who can't think for themselves.. The people that say these things also tend to categorize faith as something else, something not connected with God or any form of religion. These same people go around preaching that religious types need to learn to be more tolerant of the non religious types, even while chastising and criticizing us for believing in something other than ourselves.
So, I have a few things I want to say.
Why is it that believing in God and having faith in Him makes me weak? What is it about my faith that makes you scared? Oh yes, I said scared. Why else do people lash out so violently against Christians? Because they're scared of us. Because they don't understand. They don't understand what it means to believe in something you can't see or touch or prove with any of man's rules. And that scares them. Or it makes them jealous. Maybe they wish they could believe like that, but don't know how and are too scared to ask for help. Hey, look at that, we came back to scared. Interesting.
Our forefathers may have come to America to escape religious persecution, but let's face it, our God is a jealous God and if you don't believe in him, you're out. I can be tolerant of other religions, nonbelievers and whatnot, but at the end of the day I know you guys aren't going end up in the same place as me. I don't mean that I'm better than you, but by the grace of my Lord, I'm allowed to go Heaven and you know what? You can go there to, all you have to do is give yourself over to Him and accept Him into your life and believe in Him completely. Now, am I going door-to-door shoving this in people's faces and trying to save souls? No. That's not what I feel I've been called to do. I am, however, getting up on my soapbox every week and sharing a piece of my mind. Don't worry, there's plenty to go around.
Look, I'm tired of people having to apologize for their beliefs and opinions. I'm not going to. Everyone else gets away with blasting their self-righteous, arrogant, pompous opinions across the blogosphere and the world in general. Well, if they can do it and be praised and lauded for it, so can I. I don't care if my opinion is not shared by the general populous of today.
Look, you want to sit there and subscribe to your little religion of Why and Man Can Do It Better, knock yourself out. There's not likely anything I can say that will change your mind. You're probably going to need to be hit upside the head like Paul was. Remember him? Formally known as Saul, went around persecuting Christians like it was his favorite thing to do in the world, which it probably was. Then one day, God said enough was enough and knocked the guy off his donkey and blinded him until he saw things God's way. Paul ended up writing a couple of books in the Bible. Our God can be a vengeful God too.
Does this make me weak? That I believe in this? That I believe in God? Of course not. It makes me stronger. Am I blinding following something? Well, kind of. That's part of what it means to be a Christian and to believe in God. It's supposed to be a blind faith in Him. I don't know why that is, but that's the way it is. You don't like it, fine. But don't be scared of me or jealous of me. It's not worth wasting your time.
So I'm not worried, you go on ahead, live your life, feel free to check back here as often you'd like, or not. Don't worry, I'll pray for you.
See everybody next week.