Discover How to Prevent Premature Ejaculation!
"Danger Will Smith, Warning!" You aren't alone.
Studies estimate that 30 percent of men in American have had the problem of premature ejaculation and most men have experienced it once or twice in their life.
Hundreds of mechanical devices, pills and websites focus on the problem.
That fact should tell you that you're not alone.
There are three ways that help you prevent premature ejaculation,which are time tested and work.
One is an improvement in your overall health and fitness.
The second is a series of exercises to train your body like an athlete for the bedroom.
The third method involves finding the underlying cause or reducing the stress that may trigger premature ejaculation.
You might find mechanical means on the market like a penis ring that binds the penis to prevent ejaculation.
These are dangerous and in radical instances cause damage to the penis.
You don't need to add that to your problems.
Make yourself healthy.
Get exercise, take food supplements and eat well.
Scientists discovered that sometimes serotonin supplies deplete in the body of men with premature ejaculation.
Serotonin is a building block for neurotransmitters, which aid the body in slowing down the climax.
It's also a powerful antidepressant.
Herbal supplements and good eating patterns help to restore the body to the proper level and reduce problems with premature ejaculation.
Increased exercise and a good diet make you feel better.
When you're healthy and strong, you feel like you can conquer anything, and you can.
Exercises like the Kegel help you control the fine muscles that clamp off the climax if it's too soon.
Kegel created the exercises for women with bladder control problems.
The same muscles control urine flow and semen flow in men.
When men with premature ejaculation,problems practiced Kegel exercises, they found they had more control.
Other exercises involve learning your body and where that point of no return occurs.
Once you know that, you know when to take action and find ways to slow the process.
Your mind plays an important part in your ability to control your timing.
Most people believe that sexual stimulation is all in the head.
Since that is primarily true, you need to examine your feelings, thoughts and relationship.
Sometimes premature ejaculation,affects the relationship, but many times the reverse is true.
Either way, without open communication, you'll find the problem only escalates.
Stress is one cause of PE.
Stress comes from many different areas in life; one of the causes of stress might be your relationship to your lover.
Sometimes, that relationship is alright, but not as open as it should be.
In this case, the silence about the problem creates the stress.
You need to take time to examine your life and work with your partner to strengthen the underlying relationship.
Use the tools you have available and be ware of dangerous devices.
You don't need to spend thousands of dollars to find the cause or enable a cure for premature ejaculation.
You have all the equipment necessary in your home.
Not only does the improved diet, reduced stress and additional exercise make you better in bed, you also get the benefit of improved health and a longer life.