Foods That Lower High Blood Pressure - Lower Your Blood Pressure the Easy and Natural Way
Foods that lower high blood pressure are vitally important if you suffer from this condition and want to lower your blood pressure naturally.
One out of every three Americans have hypertension according to the American Heart Association.
If you're in this group and on medication, the best way to return your blood pressure to normal and have your doctor take you off medication is to eat the right foods.
What Are Some Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure? The best foods for you to eat are those high in potassium, magnesium, folic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Omega-3.
Potassium and magnesium have long been recognized for their ability to reduce hypertension.
The electrolyte, potassium, helps muscle contraction and heart functionwhile magnesium works to keep your blood circulating smoothly.
Many patients with hypertension also have high lead content in their bodies from both environmental pollution and drinking water.
Vitamin C removes the lead and strengthens the lining of your blood vessels both of which help lower blood pressure.
Vitamin E keeps your blood vessels elastic and prevents hardening of the arteries.
Folic acid also helps your blood vessels function correctly by its affects on the lining of your blood vessels.
Studies show Omega-3 is very effective when it comes to preventing or lowering your risk for heart disease.
In double-blind studies, fish oil or flax seed oil reduced hypertension by up to nine points.
All of these benefits work together to bring your blood pressure back to normal.
If you want to reap the benefit of these vitamins and nutrients, you need to eat the following foods.
Foods High in Potassium - Avocados, Brussels sprouts, Celery, Crimini mushrooms, Romaine lettuce, Swiss chard.
Foods High in Magnesium - Pumpkin seeds, Spinach, Swiss chard, Soybeans, Salmon, Sunflower seeds, Sesame seeds, Halibut, Black beans, Navy beans.
Foods High in Folic Acid - Calf's liver, Lentils, Pinto beans, Garbanzo beans, Asparagus, Spinach, Black beans, Navy beans, Kidney beans, Collard greens.
Foods High in Vitamin C - Papaya, Red bell peppers, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Strawberries, Oranges, Cantaloupe, Kiwifruit, Cauliflower, Kale.
Foods High in Vitamin E - Sunflower seeds, Almonds, Olives, Spinach, Papaya, Swiss chard, Mustard greens, Turnip greens, Collard greens, Blueberries.
Foods High in Omega-3 - Olive oil, Salmon, Tuna, Herring, Mackerel, Halibut, Walnuts.
As you can see, many of these healthy foods are in several categories.
For example, spinach is high in magnesium, folic acid, and vitamin E.
They're purposely listed this way so you can clearly see which foods are especially beneficial to you and know to eat more of them.
Use this list as a guide.
If you're not used to eating these foods, start by gradually adding these foods that lower your BP one at a time, finding ways to cook them and add them to your diet as snacks.
Over time, you'll find that you can eat several of these foods every day.
As a result, you'll see your overall health improve, you'll notice you feel better and have more energy, and you'll see your blood pressure return to normal when you begin eating foods that lower your high blood pressure.
One out of every three Americans have hypertension according to the American Heart Association.
If you're in this group and on medication, the best way to return your blood pressure to normal and have your doctor take you off medication is to eat the right foods.
What Are Some Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure? The best foods for you to eat are those high in potassium, magnesium, folic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Omega-3.
Potassium and magnesium have long been recognized for their ability to reduce hypertension.
The electrolyte, potassium, helps muscle contraction and heart functionwhile magnesium works to keep your blood circulating smoothly.
Many patients with hypertension also have high lead content in their bodies from both environmental pollution and drinking water.
Vitamin C removes the lead and strengthens the lining of your blood vessels both of which help lower blood pressure.
Vitamin E keeps your blood vessels elastic and prevents hardening of the arteries.
Folic acid also helps your blood vessels function correctly by its affects on the lining of your blood vessels.
Studies show Omega-3 is very effective when it comes to preventing or lowering your risk for heart disease.
In double-blind studies, fish oil or flax seed oil reduced hypertension by up to nine points.
All of these benefits work together to bring your blood pressure back to normal.
If you want to reap the benefit of these vitamins and nutrients, you need to eat the following foods.
Foods High in Potassium - Avocados, Brussels sprouts, Celery, Crimini mushrooms, Romaine lettuce, Swiss chard.
Foods High in Magnesium - Pumpkin seeds, Spinach, Swiss chard, Soybeans, Salmon, Sunflower seeds, Sesame seeds, Halibut, Black beans, Navy beans.
Foods High in Folic Acid - Calf's liver, Lentils, Pinto beans, Garbanzo beans, Asparagus, Spinach, Black beans, Navy beans, Kidney beans, Collard greens.
Foods High in Vitamin C - Papaya, Red bell peppers, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Strawberries, Oranges, Cantaloupe, Kiwifruit, Cauliflower, Kale.
Foods High in Vitamin E - Sunflower seeds, Almonds, Olives, Spinach, Papaya, Swiss chard, Mustard greens, Turnip greens, Collard greens, Blueberries.
Foods High in Omega-3 - Olive oil, Salmon, Tuna, Herring, Mackerel, Halibut, Walnuts.
As you can see, many of these healthy foods are in several categories.
For example, spinach is high in magnesium, folic acid, and vitamin E.
They're purposely listed this way so you can clearly see which foods are especially beneficial to you and know to eat more of them.
Use this list as a guide.
If you're not used to eating these foods, start by gradually adding these foods that lower your BP one at a time, finding ways to cook them and add them to your diet as snacks.
Over time, you'll find that you can eat several of these foods every day.
As a result, you'll see your overall health improve, you'll notice you feel better and have more energy, and you'll see your blood pressure return to normal when you begin eating foods that lower your high blood pressure.