Top 5 Health Concerns for 30-40 Year Olds
Generally speaking, when you're in your 30s-40s your body is in good health. It's important during these years to keep up with a healthy routine, including regular doctor's appointments, to stay on top of any health issues that may arise. Below are the top 5 health concerns that you should be aware of if you're in this age range:
1. Heart health
Heart health is the number one concern for 35-year olds according to a survey of over 4,000 adults in 13 countries. It's no surprise when you consider a rise in hypertension due to job stress, lack of exercise and obesity. It's never too late to improve- you don't have to become a statistic!
Consider exercising consistently, especially with an aerobic program. This helps lower the LDL (bad cholesterol) while elevating HDL (the good cholesterol), burns calories, decreases fat stores and lowers blood pressure.
2. Weight management.
The second most voiced concern is that of weight maintenance. As we get older, our metabolism slows down. Combining this with job stress, spending inordinate time on the computer instead of the gym and a change in family life are all factors in watching the pounds creep up.
Measures to take include:
Taking steps to eat healthy meals
Eating several small meals throughout the day and don't skip breakfast
Establishing an exercise routine that can be consistent. Blend a cardio-workout with muscle shaping exercise plans.
Walking 10-20 minutes daily
There are many apps available for download on smartphones. Some act as calorie counter and diet trackers (also assisting in which foods to select when dining out in restaurants). There are many fitness apps which plan out and track your exercise routines, count steps and monitor vitals signs during exercise.
3. Pregnancy
After 30, many women are conscious of their €clock ticking€. The biggest roadblock for women over 35 is fertility, which starts to decline after age 30 and increasingly so until age 40. Difficulties in conceiving increase in spite of in vitro fertilization and other fertility treatments.
After the age of 35, there is an increase in miscarriage and ectopic pregnancies. Even further, there is an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus with each year after 35. Genetic counseling is a good idea in planning for a pregnancy.
4. Anxiety
While the stresses of daily life may cause anxiety, which spurs positive actions, millions suffer from a debilitating anxiety, which worsens over time.
Types of anxiety disorders:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Panic disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder
These anxieties are treated with medication, biofeedback and therapy.
5. Drug Abuse
This may start out from €clubbing€, socializing with friends or taking medication to stay awake, focus or deal with daily stresses. However, drug dependency is a very grave problem leading to millions of medical conditions and injuries yearly. Drug abuse contributes to violence, child abuse, spousal abuse, compromised driving, crime and inability to maintain a job or relationships.
Typical drugs involved in abuse include:
Prescription drugs
Club drugs
Drug addiction is a complicated illness associated with intense drug craving and compulsive activity to seek out the drug despite dire consequences. Addiction is uncontrollable and chronic requiring long-term therapy or repeat care in a rehabilitation center. Medications are used as well as therapy in the hopes that the drug of addiction will not be as violently craved or used in the future. Setbacks are most common.
Must be individually tailored
Attends to multiple needs of the person
Counseling is needed
Medication is combined with other therapies
Other mental disorders may accompany this problem that needs addressing.
Medication must be on hand for withdrawal symptoms
Behavioral treatments enable development of healthy life skills
1. Heart health
Heart health is the number one concern for 35-year olds according to a survey of over 4,000 adults in 13 countries. It's no surprise when you consider a rise in hypertension due to job stress, lack of exercise and obesity. It's never too late to improve- you don't have to become a statistic!
Consider exercising consistently, especially with an aerobic program. This helps lower the LDL (bad cholesterol) while elevating HDL (the good cholesterol), burns calories, decreases fat stores and lowers blood pressure.
2. Weight management.
The second most voiced concern is that of weight maintenance. As we get older, our metabolism slows down. Combining this with job stress, spending inordinate time on the computer instead of the gym and a change in family life are all factors in watching the pounds creep up.
Measures to take include:
Taking steps to eat healthy meals
Eating several small meals throughout the day and don't skip breakfast
Establishing an exercise routine that can be consistent. Blend a cardio-workout with muscle shaping exercise plans.
Walking 10-20 minutes daily
There are many apps available for download on smartphones. Some act as calorie counter and diet trackers (also assisting in which foods to select when dining out in restaurants). There are many fitness apps which plan out and track your exercise routines, count steps and monitor vitals signs during exercise.
3. Pregnancy
After 30, many women are conscious of their €clock ticking€. The biggest roadblock for women over 35 is fertility, which starts to decline after age 30 and increasingly so until age 40. Difficulties in conceiving increase in spite of in vitro fertilization and other fertility treatments.
After the age of 35, there is an increase in miscarriage and ectopic pregnancies. Even further, there is an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus with each year after 35. Genetic counseling is a good idea in planning for a pregnancy.
4. Anxiety
While the stresses of daily life may cause anxiety, which spurs positive actions, millions suffer from a debilitating anxiety, which worsens over time.
Types of anxiety disorders:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Panic disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder
These anxieties are treated with medication, biofeedback and therapy.
5. Drug Abuse
This may start out from €clubbing€, socializing with friends or taking medication to stay awake, focus or deal with daily stresses. However, drug dependency is a very grave problem leading to millions of medical conditions and injuries yearly. Drug abuse contributes to violence, child abuse, spousal abuse, compromised driving, crime and inability to maintain a job or relationships.
Typical drugs involved in abuse include:
Prescription drugs
Club drugs
Drug addiction is a complicated illness associated with intense drug craving and compulsive activity to seek out the drug despite dire consequences. Addiction is uncontrollable and chronic requiring long-term therapy or repeat care in a rehabilitation center. Medications are used as well as therapy in the hopes that the drug of addiction will not be as violently craved or used in the future. Setbacks are most common.
Must be individually tailored
Attends to multiple needs of the person
Counseling is needed
Medication is combined with other therapies
Other mental disorders may accompany this problem that needs addressing.
Medication must be on hand for withdrawal symptoms
Behavioral treatments enable development of healthy life skills