Yoga For Everybody
You wouldn't continue to drive your car for thousands of miles without changing the oil and expect it to keep running efficiently, right? So why then do so many of us push ourselves to the brink of emotional and physical exhaustion before we seek a therapy that can help us cope with the hectic lifestyles we face? The effects of stress upon the nervous system break down our immune defenses and inevitably lead us toward unhappiness.
How can we interrupt the cycle of anxiety and stress? The ancient practice of yoga is a science of humanology or how to live in the body wisely.
Yoga is far more than just sitting in silence for hours on end or performing gymnastic feats of wonder, it is a practical, easy and effective way to strengthen your body's defenses against stress and pain.
There are different types of yoga that have been developed over thousands of years that enable us to utilize this ancient wisdom for daily use.
The postures, breathing and chanting techniques that are taught give you an experience of true happiness and freedom from your troubles.
By strengthening the nervous system through specific postures and breathing, you give yourself a chance to change your reactivity into calmness.
This gives you the ability to have more control over your life and the stressful situation we inevitably face at work, home and out in traffic.
Imagine how your life would improve if you were immune to the stress and were able to rise above conflicts while maintaining your mental focus and drive? We are all familiar with the image of a yogi blissfully sitting in silence on the sidewalk while traffic and confusion bustle around him..
put yourself in that image and try it on for a moment.
How can we interrupt the cycle of anxiety and stress? The ancient practice of yoga is a science of humanology or how to live in the body wisely.
Yoga is far more than just sitting in silence for hours on end or performing gymnastic feats of wonder, it is a practical, easy and effective way to strengthen your body's defenses against stress and pain.
There are different types of yoga that have been developed over thousands of years that enable us to utilize this ancient wisdom for daily use.
The postures, breathing and chanting techniques that are taught give you an experience of true happiness and freedom from your troubles.
By strengthening the nervous system through specific postures and breathing, you give yourself a chance to change your reactivity into calmness.
This gives you the ability to have more control over your life and the stressful situation we inevitably face at work, home and out in traffic.
Imagine how your life would improve if you were immune to the stress and were able to rise above conflicts while maintaining your mental focus and drive? We are all familiar with the image of a yogi blissfully sitting in silence on the sidewalk while traffic and confusion bustle around him..
put yourself in that image and try it on for a moment.