Getting Out of Jail Using Bail Bonds
What is a bail bond? A bail bond is a payment made by a friend or relative to get someone out of jail. It is usually a partial payment of the entire amount pre-determined by law and the bond agency upon a promise of a court appearance by the defendant. The bond agencies usually keep 10% of the total amount of the price that you pay to pay for the person to be freed from jail. Whether you pay it all up front or whether you have it financed depends on the agency. Once the bond is paid, the jailed person is usually freed form jail fairly quickly.
Many agencies will require the purchaser to post collateral before they will let you buy your loved one's freedom. This can include the deed to your home, your car title, valuables, or even cash. Sometimes just co-signers will work as collateral, depending on the bondsman. Any required collateral will be written in the contract between you and the bond agent.
Why would need a bail bond? Usually you need a bail bond when you break the law and get arrested. Whether wrongfully arrested or not, you will need to get out of jail so that you can continue with your life until your hearing. Buying bonds will assure that your loved one can get out of jail as soon as possible, sometimes in as few as 30 minutes.
How do you get a bail bond? When you need a bail bond you must first know where the arrestee is being held so that you follow the laws in that jurisdiction. You will also need to know the jail information and the arrestee's booking number, as you will need this information. You will also need to know the amount of the bail and what the minimum requirements are to get your loved one released.
Once you have all the information that you need, you can then hire your bail bondsman by looking them up in a directory for bail bonds or a yellow pages. Once you have chosen your bondsman you can pay your minimal non-refundable 10% to 15% fee and list the collateral that you would like to use, if required. Then the judge will decide whether your defendant will be released on their own word that they will appear in court for their hearing.
If you have been arrested, you appreciate the wonderful friends and family members who put themselves on the line so that you can retain your freedom, job, and time with your family until your hearing.