Cool Teen Girl Halloween Costume Ideas
- Become one of the fae folk this Halloween.white fairy on a barrier image by Xavier MARCHANT from
Cool teen girl Halloween costumes can be inspired by favorite books, movies or characters. Taking a traditional costume and giving it a new twist is one way to stand out on Halloween night. Making your own costume means that you won't have to worry about showing up in the same outfit as someone else. - Leave Tinkerbell and friends to the "under 10" crowd and dress up as one of the classic, forest-dwelling fae folk instead. Go as a naiad (water fairy) or dryad (tree nymph) from classic literature and you will be able to assemble a unique costume that attracts plenty of attention. Look to more recent resources like graphic novels or video games for classic fairy costume inspiration as well.
- Give the classic princess costume a twist by going as a zombie princess. Gather all the sparkling pink paraphernalia you need to be a princess, then add a layer or dirt and grime for a "just climbed out of the grave" look. You can usually score a prom or bridesmaid dress from the back of someone's closet, or hit the thrift stores to find the perfect gear. Out-of-style fashions aren't a problem with this costume--there's no telling how long a zombie could be in the ground before emerging.
- Choose a classic "Alice in Wonderland" costume from the Disney animated film, or a more grown up version from the recent Tim Burton movie. Sourcing this costume is easy, there are even sewing patterns in several different styles if you can't find a pre-made costume you like. Add accessories like a white rabbit, over-sized pocket watch or "Drink Me" bottle for additional fun. This is also a good theme for a group, since "Alice in Wonderland" features characters of both genders and a variety of sizes. Not the "Alice" type? Go as the Red Queen instead.
Zombie Princess
Alice in Wonderland