Why Full Coverage Auto Insurance is Important

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If you have a little time to kill, take a look at the local trial docket of your township, city, or county court.
You will discover that there are thousands of drivers in your district that have no auto insurance.
What does this mean to you? It means that basic auto insurance is not enough to cover you if you are involved in an accident.
There is a very big chance that if you get hit, the other party will not have auto insurance coverage.
The cost to repair your vehicle will fall on your shoulders.
If you have only basic auto insurance, this means you will have to pay for repairs out of pocket.
To fully protect yourself you need uninsured and under-insured motorist coverage.
You do not get these insurance add-ons with the lowest level of liability insurance.
You are justified in thinking that the roads are not safe.
In the United States, more than a million accidents each year are caused by people without automobile insurance.
In America, responsible drivers get full coverage insurance for their automobiles.
There are substantial risks involved when driving and responsible drivers want to be protected against those risks.
Full coverage insurance also protects you whenever you are the person at fault.
If you are the at-fault party in a vehicle accident, full coverage automobile insurance pays for your damages and the damages done to other parties.
If you have only liability coverage, damage done to others will be paid, but you will be personally responsible for damages done to your own car.
Full coverage insurance provides complete protection.
If you hit a telephone pole, no problem.
You pay the deductible and the insurance company pays the rest.
If your car is stolen, no problem.
You are covered.
An important insurance add-on to full coverage is uninsured and under-insured motorist.
These insurance add-ons more fully protect you.
If you are hit by an at-fault driver and they have no vehicle insurance, you are covered.
If you are hit by an at-fault driver and they do not have enough insurance coverage to pay for damages, you are covered.
One of the best parts of full coverage vehicle insurance is the peace of mind it provides.
If you are involved in an accident, sometimes your rental car is free.
You do not have to be concerned about things being stolen from your car; your insurance covers that too.
Some insurance policies will also cover you in the event of vehicular crime.
For example, if you are involved in a drunk driving incident your insurance company may provide legal representation.
Always fully review the terms and conditions of your vehicle insurance policy.
Know what is and is not covered.
Policies greatly vary between companies and between jurisdictions.
For superior protection and peace of mind, always get a full coverage insurance policy.
You will be protected against all major risks, and that is what insurance is all about.
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