How to Do Salamba Sarvangasana
- 1). Fold a blanket into rectangles (it should fold over about three times) and place it towards the top of your mat. Fold the remaining top portion of the mat over the blankets.
- 2). Lay on your back.
- 3). Lift your legs and place your hands at the base of your back. Lift your pelvis and bring your feet behind your head (plow pose). Your legs should be as straight as possible and your torso should be perpendicular to the floor.
- 4). With your hands pressing into your lower back lift your knees into the air with your feet hanging towards your buttocks.
- 5). Lift your legs into the air. Your heels should be lifting towards the ceiling.
- 6). Gaze at your chest, being careful not to move your head from side to side.
- 7). You can hold the pose for 30 seconds to three minutes.